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Author Topic: Lifes Little Miracles ~Chapter 19 The final Chapter~  (Read 47771 times)
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« Reply #120 on: July 17, 2007, 11:27:15 am »

Yes, more, more, more!

he's the sweat on my sheets (:

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« Reply #121 on: July 17, 2007, 03:36:01 pm »

Chapter 14

With now being 6 months pregnant Emily and Caleb decided it was time to have the furniture for the babies room delivered. Emily was feeling so tired lately, she could barely move much now a days and she was getting so big that doing everyday things became a big obstacle for her. The doctor said for right now she could still stay at home but if she didn’t take it easy she would soon find herself on complete bed rest in the hospital. Saturday morning Caleb set Emily up in bed with everything she needed while he took the car to Babies R Us to pick everything up. Caleb felt awkward going to a baby store by himself and when the lady at the counter was ringing him up for everything she looked at him like he was crazy for needing 4 of everything. He had found it hard to tell people who didn’t know them that they were having quads. Now trying to put 4 crib boxes, 4 changing tables, and 4 of a few other things in their tiny car proved to be a big challenge. Caleb finally decided on paying for them to deliver it all the next day. He took home the smaller things like the bouncers, high chairs, and swings. When he got home he moved Emily to the living room couch and they put everything together.

The next day the truck dropped off the furniture while Emily was still sleeping. She had been up the previous night with heartburn and Braxton hicks contractions. Caleb let her sleep as late as she needed to while he worked hard trying to figure out the directions to set up the cribs. It took him almost 2 hours to set up everything and that’s when he realized something. There was no way they were going to fit 4 babies in that room. There was barely any room to walk around let alone put ALL the furniture up. Emily still wanted to get some rockers and a few other things to make the room complete. That made Caleb thing about the rest of the house, their kitchen was very small and there was no way they could fit a bigger table and 2 more chairs in the tiny dining area. All in all this house was just way too small.

Over the next few days Caleb spoke to some real-estate agents and after talking to Emily about it they decided to put the house up for sale and try to find a new one that would better suit their soon to be big family. Emily insisted on going to look at the houses even though Caleb said no. She said there was no way they were going to pick out a new house and she wasn’t going to get any say in it. On Thursday Caleb took a half day off work to go look at a house a few blocks away from the hospital in a nice subdivision. Caleb helped Emily out of the car and as they started walking up the walk way to the house Emily doubled over in pain screaming.

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« Reply #122 on: July 17, 2007, 04:28:53 pm »

leave us on a cliff hanger!!! arrggg this story is so good

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« Reply #123 on: July 17, 2007, 04:37:22 pm »

lol don't worry I'm writing the next chapter now, It should be up soon Cheesy

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« Reply #124 on: July 17, 2007, 05:45:35 pm »

i need to know if she has boys or all girls. and get the house.

together we rock. reach for the star. Sorry, Jo, pic too big and twinkly, please find something smaller. The Management

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« Reply #125 on: July 17, 2007, 06:00:19 pm »

Chapter 15

Emily didn’t remember much, everything pretty much happened so fast she didn’t have time to think. One second she was on the cool pavement the next there were flashing lights and sirens and she was being put in the back of an ambulance in excruciating pain. There were EMT’s all around her hooking up wires and oxygen to her. The ride to the hospital was short since they were so close. They moved Emily straight up to the Labor and Delivery floor. Caleb had to take the car so he wasn’t there yet. They put her in a rather large room that was obviously used for the actual delivery part of labor. Emily began to freak out, she wasn’t in labor she couldn’t be she still had 3 more months to go. It was way too early for the babies to be born. Once again Emily was surrounded by doctors and nurses talking and ordering things to be done. They started and IV of something called Magnesium Sulfate which made Emily feel sick to her stomach but after a little while her contractions went away. Caleb came into the room and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“Hey sweetie how are you feeling?” He asked
“Do you even have to ask? Look at me, I feel like crap and I kind of feel sick.” She said
“Well the doctor says that the medicine can do that to you and it’s totally normal.” Caleb said sitting down in a chair next to her.
“So what happened?” Emily asked.
“You were in premature labor, they gave you some medicine to stop the contractions and hopefully they will stay away but there is a chance they could start up again.”
Emily looked like she was about to cry. Caleb grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“Hunny this is really for the best but there is more.” He said “Because there is such a high risk that you could go into labor again the hospital wants to admit you until the babies are ready to be born. Hopefully that will be at least another 2 months but it could happen sooner and they want to make sure you’re here because they can stop it again if they catch it soon enough. At home things could happen too quickly and then they might not be able to stop it and who knows what could happen if they are born too soon.” He said
Emily sat there silently for a moment thinking things over before burring her head in her hands and sobbing loudly. Caleb wrapped his arms around her and tried to calm her down.

That night Caleb stopped back at home to pick up some of Emily’s clothes, her lap top, and some books and magazines for her to read. She was to be on complete bed rest which meant she was only allowed to get up to use the bathroom with a nurses help. She could also only take a 10 minute shower twice a week. Caleb promised that he would visit Emily as soon as he got to work in the mornings and then he would eat lunch with her and then spend as much time as he could with her after work. They would eat dinner together every night and then Caleb would go home and go to bed and do it all over again the next day.

Weeks went by and Caleb worked hard of trying to find a house. It was so hard to look at them without Emily but he took the camera and he would show her pictures to get an idea of what she thought of the house. It wasn’t looking good until a few weeks before Christmas. Caleb was doing what he could to make the house look nice for the holidays even if Emily couldn’t see it. That night as he was putting up the Christmas tree he got a call from the real-estate agent. He told Caleb there was a house that just went up for sale and he wanted him to be the first to see it first thing in the morning. Caleb got up early that morning to meet the agent at the house. It was a new construction house that was just finished being built. It was 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, a huge master bedroom. It had a big backyard with a pool. It would be the perfect house for them. The only thing was they had to paint and put in the carpeting and what not which was not a big issue for them at all. Caleb knew he could finish it in no time with a little help from family. Caleb took pictures for Emily to see and then he had to make a hard decision. There was no way the agent could keep the house from other people unless Caleb put down money on the house and signed the papers before he left to go see Emily.

Caleb decided to go for it, he knew Emily would love the house and he didn’t want to pass up the chance to have this house. While Caleb was signing the paperwork and making sure everything was set so they could start working on the house his phone rang.
“Hello” He said.
“Hello, Caleb?” a woman’s voice on the other line said.
“Yes who is this?” He asked.
“This is Karen I’m a nurse on the Labor and Delivery floor where your wife is, Im calling because your wife is being taken to the OR to be prepped for a cesarean section, her blood pressure is up very high and the babies are not responding well. You are aware she is only 7 ½ months pregnant and this means that there is a chance that the babies wont survive being outside of the womb but we figure this is the best thing for them because they have a better chance outside than inside.”
Caleb didn’t even say goodbye to her as he hung up the phone. He told the agent what was happening and the agent said he would finish up the paperwork for Caleb and he would call in a few days to let them know if everything went thought ok. Then he wished Caleb good luck as Caleb ran out the door and drove off as fast as he could.

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« Reply #126 on: July 17, 2007, 07:58:28 pm »

Chapter 16

Caleb got to the hospital and once again his mind was in a blur. He knew the hospital like the back of his hand but he felt lost trying to get to the OR. He hoped he wasn’t too late and that he would get to be there when his children were born. He got to the nurses station and they handed him scrubs and a face mask and told him go scrub up and go on in, the procedure hadn’t started yet. When he got into the OR he felt out of place. Normally he was the doctor doing the operating but this time he was on the other end. He had to sit there and look at Emily’s face streaked with tears. All Caleb could see was her head as the rest of her body was hidden behind a blue curtain. He heard the doctor explain to Emily that she would feel some pressure and it would probably take about 2 minutes for each baby to be out. Each baby had a team of 4 nurses from the NICU that would asses them as soon as they were born and then they would be rushed down to NICU where they would stay to determine that everything was ok. Emily was told before hand that the babies are premature and would have to spend some time in NICU before they would get to come home.

In what seemed like a flash of light the room was hustling and bustling with the sounds of everything going on, one by one each baby was handed to a nurse and cleaned off the best they could. First born was Austin who was the biggest by 3lbs 6oz then came Logan at 3lbs 4oz then Jayson at 3lbs 3oz and last but not least our sweet baby girl Grace who was the smallest at 2lbs 8oz. The boys were doing great for how small they were. It was almost nice to hear them cry even if it did sound very sickly. Caleb could feel the tears well up in his eyes. The nurses brought over each baby so Emily and Caleb could see them before rushing them off to NICU. Well every baby accept little Gracie. She was not breathing so well and they couldn’t get her to cry. She had to be taken to NICU first so they could get her oxygen to help her breath.
“Hunny please go with her.” Emily cried.
“Are you sure babe I want to make sure your ok?” Caleb said stroking her hair.
“Ill be fine, I have to wait an hour or so before I can to down there and I want you with them.” Emily said.
Caleb gave her a kiss and followed the nurses down to NICU. He walked past each baby in NICU and was able to touch the boys and give them kisses. Then he got to Gracie’s little corner. She had all kinds of wires and what not hooked up to her. She looked so helpless. The nurse explained that all the babies were doing better than expected, they all needed help breathing and they were all jaundiced and needed light therapy. Little Gracie was by far the sickest of them all. She would need to gain a lot of weight before going home.

Back in recovery Emily was trying to do all she could to stay awake long enough for the epidural to wear off so she could go see the babies. Caleb brought her pictures of the babies. When Emily got to Gracie’s picture she started to cry.
“Oh Caleb I hope she is going to be ok.”

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« Reply #127 on: July 17, 2007, 09:56:57 pm »

Smiley and Sad at the same time.

together we rock. reach for the star. Sorry, Jo, pic too big and twinkly, please find something smaller. The Management

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« Reply #128 on: July 17, 2007, 10:01:26 pm »

hey would you mind if i asked you where you got the mask? i have scrubs but no mask. love the story! it's so good. i feel bad for the babies though

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« Reply #129 on: July 17, 2007, 10:49:30 pm »

Quote from: xHannaHx;831045
hey would you mind if i asked you where you got the mask? i have scrubs but no mask. love the story! it's so good. i feel bad for the babies though

The mask is from MTS2 Here is the link to it

Everyone look for more updates probably tonight. I'm so into this story right now I think I will get a few more chapters up tonight Cheesy

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« Reply #130 on: July 18, 2007, 06:42:47 pm »

Chapter 17

After a week of staying in the hospital Emily was discharged and able to go home. She hated to leave without the babies but they were going to be in the hospital for a least a month or so longer. The boys were doing very well each gaining about 2 oz’s a day and the jaundice had pretty much was gone and they didn’t need to be under the lights anymore. Emily had spent almost every waking moment in the NICU and just the past 2 days she was able to hold the boys. Gracie on the other hand was still too sick. Emily and Caleb were able to hold her hands and stroke her face for the stimulation but she wasn’t ready to be held just yet.

The day Emily went home she went to say goodbye to the babies and give them kisses one last time for the day not only was she going home empty handed it was also Christmas Eve. She decided that she would come back in the morning with Caleb and stay for the majority of the day with them. Caleb took 2 weeks off of work to help me around the house and then when the babies came home he would take 2 more weeks off to help with them. What Emily didn’t know as Caleb had something very special up his sleeve for his new family. He took Emily home and got her all set up for the night with the TV remote and snacks so she didn’t have to get up. Emily was pumping breast milk for the babies to take in their tube feedings in hopes that it would help them get better quicker so she needed to eat small meals throughout the day and drink lots of water and milk. Once she was all settled he gave her a kiss goodbye and left to go work on his little surprise.

After 3 more weeks the boys were finally able to go home but Gracie was still not doing so well. She had gained weight but not quite enough to be able to go home, but the best news was Caleb and Emily were finally able to hold her and dress her up in the tiny little clothes Emily had bought her. Most of the newborn things were still way too big for the babies but the preemie stuff fits perfectly. The day the boys got to come home Caleb was finally ready to give them his surprise. He drove their new van that they decided to buy since the car was just not big enough for 4 car seats, a few blocks out of town in a nice rural country area and stopped in front of a very new looking house. Emily looked at Caleb but didn’t say anything. She was a bit confused but she figured she would keep her mouth shut and just go along with him. Caleb dug around his pockets and took out a single key and unlocked the door.
“Caleb…..” Emily said her voice trailing off not really knowing what she was going to say. She didn’t feel right going into someone else’s house but then again when she walked inside carrying Logan she just about fell to her knees. Hanging in the entryway across the banister was a huge sign that read “WELCOME HOME LOGAN, AUSTIN, JAYSON, AND GRACIE” Emily was speechless.
“I wanted to surprise you all on the day the babies came home, I wanted Gracie to see this but I just thought it couldn’t wait any longer. We didn’t have enough room to bring the boys home to our old house today so I figured we could bring them home to our new house.” He said. “I’ve been painting and decorating everything as much as I could without you.” He chuckled.
Emily still didn’t know what to say so she just gave him a kiss on the cheek and said “Thank you.”

Caleb gave Emily the tour of the rest of the house but saved the best for last. They stopped outside of a closed white door and Caleb told Emily to close her eyes. She did as she was told and Caleb opened the door and lead her inside the room. He told her to open his eyes. When she did she looked around and felt like she was in a baby wonderland. The room was huge and it was perfect, just the way she had envisioned it to be when she was pregnant. They put the babies in the cribs and looked down in on them. Everything was perfect. Well just about everything.

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« Reply #131 on: July 18, 2007, 07:59:27 pm »

this is all i can say Smiley

together we rock. reach for the star. Sorry, Jo, pic too big and twinkly, please find something smaller. The Management

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« Reply #132 on: July 18, 2007, 11:08:43 pm »

Wow! Great update. I loved it. Thanks Ferris. =)

'(_ _)'

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« Reply #133 on: July 19, 2007, 09:26:40 pm »

great write more!!!!!!

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« Reply #134 on: July 20, 2007, 10:21:28 am »

awwwwwwwwww. i love it!!

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