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Author Topic: Johnnie on the Rocks  (Read 13876 times)
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« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2007, 12:10:49 pm »

great update. I loved it. I hope things keep going good for her

'(_ _)'

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« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2007, 09:35:57 pm »

great story and Great update

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« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2007, 12:09:27 am »

a fantastic update! i just absolutely love this story! i love all of your stories. and your pictures are beautiful! Smiley

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« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2007, 06:56:55 pm »

nooooooooooo u cant STOP there UPDATE loli love it agreed with hannah

Live Life to the fullest because, there may never be a tomorrow.
Lil Reaper

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« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2007, 12:59:33 pm »

Thank you so much for the great reviews everyone. I'm glad you guys like the story. :dance: I have a few more pics to take and then I'll post the next chapter in the next couple of days.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

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« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2007, 01:03:44 pm »

*victory dance*

Live Life to the fullest because, there may never be a tomorrow.

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« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2007, 01:03:54 pm »

Hooray I hope it's soon!!

he's the sweat on my sheets (:

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« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2007, 06:07:20 pm »

me too^

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« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2007, 03:01:14 pm »

Me too. Cheesy ^

he's the sweat on my sheets (:

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« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2007, 01:44:04 pm »

me 4^^

Live Life to the fullest because, there may never be a tomorrow.
Lil Reaper

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« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2007, 09:59:10 pm »

ME 5!! Oh wait I'm supposed to be the one writing the story. As long as there's no more hail and power outages I should have the next chapter up tonite.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

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« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2007, 10:08:19 pm »

can i be five?

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« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2007, 05:04:00 pm »

Here, I'll be six.

And...HOORAY!! MORE MORE MORE!! *pants*

he's the sweat on my sheets (:
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2007, 08:16:50 pm »

Chapter Four-The Huge Mistake

Over the next few weeks Martin became a total godsend. Work, school, and taking care of Anne began to take its toll on me. I was exhausted and extremely irritated and I took it out on Martin. Martin didn't get angry though, he just started taking care of Anna. He would feed her, change her, bathe her, and tuck her in. My favorite to watch was when Martin would cuddle her or play with her. I never heard Anna coo or laugh so much. Whenever I watched them together I found myself wishing Martin was her dad instead of Jason. Then I realized Martin WAS her dad. One day after Martin tucked Anna in I decided to make sure he really wanted to do this.
"Martin, you know you don't have to take care of Anna all the time. I don't want to force you to be her dad if you don't want to be."
Martin gave me a smile. "Believe me Johnnie if I didn't want to take care of her I wouldn't. And I can't expect to be a part of your life if I'm not a part of Anna's. Besides I want her to know not all men are evil scumbags like her biological father."
I tried not to jump up and down or do cartwheels. Martin was like a dream come true. I couldn't wait to call mom and tell her she was so wrong about Martin. She still couldn't let go of what happened in high school. Me, I was so over it.

I came home from work early one day to find Martin sleeping on the couch with Anna on his chest. They looked too cute to disturb. I wrote a quick note to Martin telling him I had gone to greet our new neighbors. I knew from our neighborhood gossip, Mrs Brentwood, that it was a woman with two toddlers and another one on the way. Apparently her husband worked alot so the woman was home all alone with the kids. I walked the three long blocks to her house. The woman was sitting on the front steps absent mindingly rubbing her belly while she watched her two boys playing. She saw me coming up the walk way and sttuggled to stand up and meet me part way.
"Hi there. Welcome to the neighborhood. I'm the welcoming commitee, Johnnie Walker. Yes it's my real name," I added quickly when I saw the look of surprise on her face, "Your boys are absolutely adorable."
"Thank you very much," she said, her face beaming, "Neil, the red head is three. He looks just like his daddy. Brandon is almost two and unfortunately he looks like me. I'm Lenora Landry. It is so nice to meet you. So far people avoid me like I have a contagious disease."
"They were like that when I first moved in, and while I was pregnant with Anna but after awhile they'll get comfortable with you. Then you'll never get rid of them. Especially Mrs Brentwood. I think she's the devil disguised as a little old lady."
Lenora laughed, then the two of us grew quiet and watched the boys play. I stared intently at Neil, there was something familiar about him, but I couldn't figure out what it was.
"So how old is you daughter,"Lenora asked suddenly, "I'm hoping we're having a girl. Maybe they can be friends."
"Anna is 5 months old. Even if you have another boy they can still be friends. If Anna is anything like me she'll be a little tomboy," I told Lenora, "So is your husband hiding at work?"
Lenora smiled. "No. He's hiding in the house. JASON!"
Jason? No it couldn't be. I stared at the front door and sure enough, Lenora's husband, Neil and Brandon's father, was Anna's father. He stopped suddenly and stared at me in shock.

"Honey, help me put the boys down for their nap. Oh where are my manners? This is Johnnie Walker, my one and only friend. She's going to come in and visit with us for a little while,"Lenora informed him as she picked up Brandon.
Jason picked up Neil and glanced nervously from Lenora to me. I knew he was wondering if I had told Lenora about us. I gave him a small smile. Let him wonder. I followed Lenora and Jason inside and waited in the living room while they went upstairs to put the boys down for their naps. Jason came downstairs first. I had my back to the stairs and Jason grabbed my arm and whirled me around.
"What the hell are you doing here, Johnnie," he asked angrily through clenched teeth, "Are you trying to ruin my marriage?"
"I came here because I heard your pregnant wife was pretty lonely spending all her time taking care of the boys. I had no idea YOU were her husband. I didn't even know you were married! How could you cheat on Lenora? She's such a sweetheart."
"It's none of your business what I do! You're not my wife!"
"No I'm just the mother of one of your kids," I spat out angrily.
Jason's jaw dropped and he stared at me. I wished I hadn't told him. What if he tried to take Anna from me? What if this breaks up his marriage? I would never forgive myself if I hurt Lenora. The poor woman had enough to deal with being pregnant while she took care of two energetic boys. I was surprised when Jason grabbed me and kissed me hard. I pushed him away and glared at him.
"Jason, what is going on," Lenora asked quietly from the stairs.
She stared at him as she slowly walked over to where we standing. Her eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to spill down her cheeks and her face was crestfallen. I had no idea what to say to her. This had to be awful for her.
"Lenora, I am so sorry. Johnnie was telling me how handsome I was and that she wanted to kiss me. I just....." Jason started to explain but I cut him off with a slap to the face.
"Don't you dare lie to your wife," I snarled, "She deserves to know the truth. Lenora, I hate to be the one to tell you this but about a year and a half ago Jason and I went on a couple dates. I was new in town and it was a blind date. I had no idea he was married because if I did I never would have went out with him. Another thing, Jason and I have a baby together. Anna is his daughter."
Lenora stared at Jason before turning to me. "Thank you for being brave enough to tell me the truth. I hope you don't think I'm rude if I ask you to leave. Jason and I have to have a serious talk.
"I understand completely," I told her, "If you need to talk Jason has my number."
I turned and left the house as fast I could. This was once arguement I did not want to hear.

When I got home, Martin asked about the new neighbors. I told him about Lenora and the boys but I left out the part about Jason. I had no idea what he would do if I told him. He smiled and went to the basement to work out while Anna finished her nap. I waited until I heard the weights clanking before I called Sherry.
"Don't talk just listen. I've got something big to tell you but I want to do it away from Martin. I'll be over to pick you up in fifteen minnutes. You better be ready."
I hung up before she could protest and went upstairs to change. I was tempted to burn the clothes Jason had touched but I figured I was being overly dramatic. I fixed my hair and make-up then yelled down to Martin telling him I was going shopping with Sherry. Sherry was waiting outside her house looking annoyed, she hated it when I informed her she was doing something. She got in the car with a sigh.
"I hate when you call me and do all that spy crap. 'Don't talk just listen.' What was so important that you had to disturb my relaxing day off?"
"I'll tell you when we get to the store. Right now I just want to relax and try to calm down."
Sherry glared at me before she turned up the music. It was her way of telling me she was mad as hell. It took ten minutes to reach Nora's. Sherry's eyes lit up and she gave me a sideways look. She loved Nora's designs but she couldn't afford to buy them too often.
"Why are we here? You know I can't afford to buy anything and it depresses me seeing things I want but can't have," Sherry informed me sharply.
"I'm going to buy you something. Pick out one outfit and it's yours. And don't argue with me," I told her when she started to protest.
Sherry pretended to be anoyed but I could see the excitement in her eyes. I decided not to tell her about Jason and Lenora until after she picked out an outfit. If only I had known. It took close to three hours for Sherry to decide on a beautiful gold dress, 'that showed off her gorgeous figure' as she put it.
"Before I buy your dress there's something I need to tell you. Remember Jason. Well I found him," I told her.
"What?! Where?! Is he alright?"
I took a deep breath before continuing. "Jason, his pregnant wife Lenora, and his two sons moved to a house three streets away from me. I went to make friends with Lenora not knowing her husband was Jason. Lenora invited me in and while she was upstairs he kissed me. I cannot tell you how repulsed I was."
Sherry's jaw dropped. "That little rat is married!! Wait til I get my hands on him. I'll make sure he won't be spreading his love no more."
"Sherry," I exclaimed in surprise and we both burst into giggles.

Sherry wanted to try on a few more outfits while I went and paid for her dress. I got to the counter and the two cashiers looked at each other. The blonde whispered something in the brunette's ear and they both smirked. The brunette stepped forward and took the dress from me.  
"Oh what a beautiful dress," Tiffany commented as she looked at the dress then she glanced at the tag, "This cannot be for you. You are not that....big."
I stared at her a little surprised by her attitude. "It's for my friend and just because she was lucky enough to be blessed with curves does not make her big. Jealously is an ugly thing, Tiffany."
She narrowed her eyes before she quickly plastered on a fake smile. "Right. So the woman you're with, is she the one the dress is for?"
I wondered why she was so interested in Sherry and her new dress. "Yes. Not to be rude but you seem a very interested in Sherry's dress."
"I don't care about the dress," Tiffany snapped, "It's your friend, Sherry I'm curious about. Julie and I are wondering why Ricky is interested in a cow like her when he could have me."
I was really close to yanking Tiffany over the counter and beating some sense into her.
"It couldn't be your pleasant attitude," I commented dryly while I rolled my eyes, "Maybe he likes women with curves. Now could you please wrap the dress? I'm in no mood to discuss my friend and her love life with you."
Tiffany turned and took the dress to the counter behind her and wrapped it for me. Julie hurried over to her and the two of them whispered back and forth. I had a feeling they were talking about me and Sherry. My patience was wearing thing by the time Tifffany returned with the dress. She slid it acrossed the counter and gave me a big fake smile.
"Your total is $1354.87. So Julie says you have a daughter.......with a married man. That's not true is it? I mean how trampy....oops I mean tacky can you be."
I handed Tiffany my credit card and resisted the urge to slap her.
"Who my daughter's father is is none your business, Tiffany. And I'm sorry that you and your friend Julie are so pathetic that you need to try to bring other people down to make your life seem worth while. Sherry is a successful interior designer and I am the head of a research lab while you two are store clerks. I can see you two aim high." I said with a smirk.
I picked up the dress and yanked my credit card away from Tiffany. I stomped over to Sherry. She looked at me a with a smile.
"Something wrong? You look like you're about to kill someone."
"I just want to get out of her," I told her as I shot a dirty look at Tiffany and Julie, "By the way, who's Ricky?"

It had been a week since my run in with Jason. A very long, strange week. Martin was acting so strange I had a sinking feeling that he might know about Jason. Martin and his cousin, Jeremy were working on opening their contracting business. Anna was cutting teeth so she was getting really cranky. Everytime Martin and I were alone together we both were on edge. We couldn't think of a thing to talk about and we were both a little jumpy. One night after I put Anna to bed I walked into the bedroom and Martin jumped up off the bed, shoving something under the pillow.
"Johnnie," he exclaimed nervously.
"Yes Martin it's me," I said shaking my head.
"I..uh...well," he stammered.
"Martin, are you alright? You seem a little twitchy."
Martin took a deep breath and pulled a little black box from under the pillow. Before I could say anything he dropped on one knee.
"Johnnie, I know this might seem sudden. Or maybe you've been expecting this since I moved in. I don't know. I do know that I love you and I want to be with you forever. What I'm saying is. Johnnie, will you marry me?"
Of course I wanted to marry him but for some reason I was speechless. I let him put the ring on my finger and I stared at it, admiring the way it sparkled. Martin stood up and looked at me. I finally realized I hadn't given him an answer.
"YES," I squealed as I jumped into his arms.

My life was almost perfect, Martin and I were finally engaged. Life could not get any better. Martin just got home from work and he was upstairs getting ready, we were going to Chez Marco to celebrate our engagement. Sherry had already arrived and was busy playing with Anna. I invited her to come but she said she wasn't going to intrude. I was sitting on the couch waiting impatiently for Martin to finish whatever he was doing. I had just checked my watch for the fifth time when Martin came downstairs. He looked gorgeous, he was wearing jeans and a black wife beater and he had a dress shirt in his hand.
"Ready," he asked with a smile, "You might want to wipe the drool off your face."
I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Very funny. Of course I'm ready. I've been waiting for you."
Martin and looked at each other and headed for the frontdoor. We were both wondering who could be yelling. I walked onto the front porch and part of me wasn't surprised to see Jason staggering around my front yard. He was obviously drunk. He looked up and saw Martin and I standing on the porch watching him.
"So whose the muscle, Johnnie? Did you hire him to protect you? Are you that scared of me," Jason asked angrily.
"Who the hell are you," Martin demanded as he walked down the steps towards Jason.
Jason looked at me and grinned. "You didn't tell him? My name is Jason Landry and I am the father of Johnnie's And who exactly are you?"
"I'm Martin Agnelli and I'm Johnnie's fiance. So you're the scumbag? Johnnie, I'm a little disappointed that you'd waste your time with this loser."
Jason took a step towards Martin. "I'm not a loser! I was good enough for her to sleep with."
I could tell by the look on Martin's face he was getting really angry. Jason was way too drunk to notice. Sherry was watching the scene from the living room window.
"I've got nothing against you, its Johnnie I have a problem with. You all but ruined my marriage. Lenora kicked me out until I agree to go to a marriage counselor. I barely get to see my boys. YOU RUINED MY LIFE," Jason screamed angrily.
Martin looked at me for a moment and I could see the hurt in his eyes. He was upset that I hadn't told him anything about what happened  with Jason.
"Listen you're drunk. Go home and sleep it off,"Martin told Jason.
Jason glared at Martin and bunched his hands into fists. He stumbled around until his back was towards Martin.
"Where'd ya go, you coward? Don't you want to defend your little wh...."
He didn't get to finish his sentence because Martin tackled him. It took about two minutes for Martin to kick Jason's a$$. Jason got up and stumbled away.
"This isn't over, Johnnie."

Martin stormed into the house and Sherry had enough smarts to hurry upstairs with Anna. Martin was pacing back and forth in the living room by the time I came inside. The hurt and anger he was feeling was obvious. I had no idea what to say to him. He had every right to be angry with me. He finally noticed I was there and stopped pacing.
"How come you didn't tell me, Johnnie? Didn't you think I had a right to know?"
"Martin I am so sorry. I know I should have told you, but..."
"But what, Johnnie? You trust me enough to take care of Anna but you don't trust me enough to tell me about this Jason guy. What did you think? That I was going to leave you? You told me before you made a mistake by sleeping with Anna's father and I believed you."
"I have no excuse for not telling you," I started, tears welling up in my eyes, "Last week when I went to meet our new neighbors I had no idea it was Jason and his family. I was talking to his wife, Lenora, and he came outside. Lenora invited me in and I didn't want to say no. I mean what could I possibly say if she asked why. 'Sorry Lenora but last year I slept with your husband and now I had a baby with him.' Jason kissed me and Lenora saw. I had to explain everything to her."
Martin just stared at me and I wondered if I had just ruined things.
"Martin? Please say something," I practically begged, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"What do you want me to say, Johnnie?"
"That we're not over."
"I don't know, Johnnie. I need some time to think."
Martin turned around and walked out of the house. I stood there watching the door, hoping that Martin would come walking back in so we could make up. I stood there for ten minutes but Martin didn't come back in. I managed to make my way to the couch even though my tears blurred my vision. I had just ruined everything.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 807

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« Reply #29 on: August 06, 2007, 12:20:55 am »

omg! that update was scary good. i feel so bad for johnnie, but i don't think martin was overreacting. jason is a scum of the earth! Smiley great job i absolutely loved it

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