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Author Topic: Katie Peirce Aka Lonley Girl Chapter 8 added 9/26  (Read 15468 times)
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« on: July 22, 2007, 09:09:18 pm »

Chapter One

My name is Katie Peirce. I am 16 years old. I live in a complex, diffrent, and Confussing world. It has pain, Anger, unhappiness, and a whole lot of tears. The first three chapters of my autobiagraphy is just about me. I am calling this a Auto Biagraphy because I don't want to call it an diary. I am sixteen for god's sake. The only reason I am acctualy publishing this is because my best friend Tawny told me to publish it because the first three chapters were so good. Oh and Don't think I acctualy bought this peice of shit.( I apoligize for the  language.) My Mom bought this for me because she thought I needed to exsperess my feelings in this instead of anger. I am very angry at times. Alot of the time acctualy. Most of my feelings are exspressed in anger towards my mom. Don't think that I don't love her it's just she said, I was a mistake after a one night stand. I guess I'll never know who my real father is. She also said I was conceived in Las Vegas. After that I didn't realy ask her much more about my dad since it was getting a little more detailed if you catch my drift. I also have my older half sister, Delila. I call her my sister since I have no other full blood sibilings. Then there is my little half sister, Keisha. My mom says I might have other sibilings on my dad's side but she is not for sure. I wish she was. Well That is just about it for now. I guess I'll write later.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 08:55:39 pm by ryannrules86 » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2007, 10:18:05 pm »

Sounds Good. I can't wait for more

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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2007, 11:03:51 pm »

I'll write more later cause I have to sleep now

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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2007, 10:32:11 pm »

7:00 A.M.

I looked around as I woke up. I saw my little sister, Keisha, beside me and My older sister, Delilah, below me. We live in a small apartment. It has two bed rooms. I am stuffed in a room with my sisters. I went looking for my mom. I wanted to have breakfeast. I was so hungry. The last meal I had was on tuesday and today is hungry. My stomache made a strange growling noise. I never heard it make that noise. "Mom," I yelled ,"Mom, I am so hungry. Mom were are you?" I groaned some stuff to myself. I can't remember what I groaned. Delilah woke up because of my yelling. "What were you yelling for, Twerp?" She asked. "Where's mom?" I asked yet again. "How should I know all I know is I am hungry!"

Three hours later
Mom still hasen't called or came home yet. I would make breakfeast but we don't have any groceries. I'm not realy hungry anymore. I think its because the butterflies filled my stomache. They wern't the good butterflies they are the bad ones. Keisha went over to her friend Amber's house. They gave her some lunch. My head began to feel heavy. My body began to feel to dizzy. All I remember was I feel to the ground and hit my head.

Later that Night
All I saw was Grandma patting my face ,"Baby wake up, wake up!" I wanted to die right then and there. I felt like I had just thrown up a cow. Delilah was staring at me. A paramedic was looking at me. He was checking my blood pressure and my heart beat. "It's fine she just needs some food." He said, "Were is there mother?" There was a very long pause. "We don't Know." I said. "Well, They should stay with you until there mother comes home. There is also no food here." Grandma said,"Of course you all will stay with me." The paramedic handed me a banana and some juice. I ate it so fast. My stocmache finaly felt filled well sort of.

The next morning
My Grandma stayed the night. Then we were going to her house. She told us to pack up what we need. We put all of our nessesities in her station wagon. She lived in Rock Springs. We lived in Harmonville. We had to drive two hours. On the way there they explained what happened to me. " Well You fell out so I ran and called Grandma and called the paramedics." Delilah went on "You fell out because you hadden't eatin in about three days. Thats all that happened."  We arrived at Grandma's. Her house was very bige we all got our own room. I am so excited. I realy miss my mom though. Write later.

Here is my family


Heisha and this boy

My mom

I don't have a picture of my Grandma
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 11:10:54 pm by ryannrules86 » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2007, 09:25:16 pm »

wickeedddd. let me guess. the mom left her family and never came back.

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« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2007, 09:58:04 pm »

I haven't written in a while. I am about to drown in boredom. We have been living at Grandma's for about a month now. Living at my grandma's insn't realy that bad. Her house smells like old people though. I start school in two days. Grandma is enrolling me and delilah in a private high school. Keisha is being enrolled in a catholic private school, St.John's School for the Gifted Young Ladies. We haven't heard from mom since we moved into grandma's. Our old apartment neighbor, Alice, said she saw my mom packing her stuff up and leaving the apartment. The apartment owners, The Johnsons, Received the key and the last months rent from my mom. Thats all we know. She has been seen around the old town. I miss her alot know that she is acctualy gone. Delilah keeps on saying mom is never coming back, that she is going to leave us her to die and rot in hell because she hates us. I don't beleive that because mom would never do that or would she? These are the questions I wonder about.

Two days later
I started school today. We go to mass every morning. Mass is what catholic people call church serveice. I was babtised yesterday. I am now catholic which is fine because I don't realy know what I was before. Other than mass in the morning classes are alot like a regular high school. We have regular high school teachers, except for the homeroom teachers those are the nun's. I am the new girl here. No one except for the people in my homeroom knows my name.  I met this one girl Tawny. She is pretty nice, I mean for towards a new kid. I realy hate when in homeroom Sister Agatha passed out sheets to write down our information, On one line it said Mother's name on the line under that it said father's name. My feeling's were hurt that I couldn't write down anything for my father's name and That if The sister called my house she would say my mom's name, Bambi, instead of Abigal for grandma. I also met this guy in my homeroom and bio class named, Alex. He is realy sweet and funny. He brightens up the day. Alex is the kind of guy you wouldn't usualy date but you fell attracted to him for some reason.

The next morning 7;00 A.M.
This day is entitled "Pain"
My mom hasen't been seen by anyone in the area even the people in the city. Thats realy strange, seeing as to people always used to see her. I realy miss her now. I am realy thinking she hates us because she left us behind. Grandma, Delilah, and I aren't saying any of this to Keisha as to she might take it harder to heart than I did because she is only eight. Tommorow, Delilah turns Eight-teen. Grandma says we might be able to live on our own because Delilah and Grandma are our gardians. I could Tell by the way she said it that she didn't want us to leave. I kind of wanted to leave but I didn't because how will we survive without her.

9:00 A.M.
This morning I received a phone call from the police station about mom. The police said,"Is Delilah, Abigal, or Katie Peirce there?"
"Yes this is Katie" I said in a worried tone.
"Your mother is..."

To be Continued

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« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2007, 09:58:27 pm »

glad you like it!

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« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2007, 12:14:41 pm »

Ohh. Veryy good. i cant wait for the next update

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« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2007, 06:06:46 pm »

the second part will be up later

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« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2007, 06:28:38 pm »

"Your mother is...." The officer said. The storm was rumbleing. The lightning hit the telephone pole. The line went dead. I was so scarred. My heart was skipping beats all over the place. "Who was that?" Delilah asked. I decided not to tell them because I wasn't sure what the officer was going to say. He might just be saying she wandered to the police station or she was drunk driving and in jail. I didn't want to say she was hurt of worse dead if she wasn't. "Who was it?" Delilah persested for me to answer this time, "Who was it?" She was just about yelling this time. "It was Tawny calling me." I said in a very low voice. I could tell by the way she looked at me that she knew I was lying. "I was." I told her before she could ask me. "Whatever I will never understand you." She said like she was ruler of the world. The more I talked to her the more I wanted to live with Grandma 'till I'm eighteen.

Later that night
I can't stop thinking about the phone call. I try to tell myself its alright but there is that feeling that it isn't. I thought to get my mind of the call I couldgo to the mall with Tawny and Alex. Alex is so nice and funny. I acctualy wish I was him. His dad is a Judge and his mom is a well I'm not realy sure what it is called but, she works in the stock market. They have alot of money. He has the perfect life. He has an older sister, Mom, Dad, and a dog. Like one of those stories that there is a perfect family or leave it to beaver. To my suprise Alex is acctualy a pretty cool guy more down to earth than me. I would think that someone with that much money would be very well paris hilton like I guess is another way to say it. He is also the only guy who will listen to me and will acctualy walk into Stacey's accsesories without complaining. I totaly am falling for him the more I talk to him, or even think about him. I don't think He likes me though, He acts like it though. Well he acts like it sometimes but other times he doesn't. He is realy confusing. I Thought boys were simple, eat, sleep, flirt, eat, goof off. I nver thought they were this complicated. I guess I should get use to it.

This chapter as a little adult nature
9:00 P.M.
I received yet another phone call. This one scarred me and I told Delilah who told Grandma. The man on the phone thought I was Mom, He kept going on about how much money he gave my mom. I sat in question, then he said a hooker doesn't cost as much as you. I didn't listen to what the man said anymore. A hooker,Mom, getting paid to do 'it'. I burst into tears. He said I am going to kill you bitch. My life shattered. I cried and hung up the phone. I screamed loud and hard. I hit the wall yelling No. I kicked the chair and hit the wall so hard my fist is numb. I screamed and landed in the corner some how crying. Delilah came down the stairs asking, "Whats Wrong? " She asked as if she cared. " Mom's a Slut who sells her self for cask thats what wrong and now a bastard pimp is going to kill her!" I yelled as I went up stairs. I called Tawny and Talked and Cried. Grandma Freaked when she heard. She called the cops and is goiong to court to get permenit custudie of us. I hope she does. The cops came by. With them they brought bad news. It turns out that my mom was a prostitute and when she was done with a 'client' as the cops call the pimps, they shot her and drove off. She was doing it for three months for money for us and she could live with us because she didn't want us know that she has to sell her self for our well being.. I hate my life. Just let me die now. I have no Mom, Dad, or anyone that I can put my heart into and trust. I wish I could go back in time and Erase all the bad things I ever said to my mom. My mom Gave up herself for me and Delilah and Keisha I didn't appreciate my life or her and the way it was.

The next night.
I started cutting my self this mornig it eases my pain. I haven't told anyone except Tawny about my mom. What was everybody going to say. Alex Would never like me and if he does he won't anymore. I haven't eaten all day. I am so ashamed. I wonder how my mom felt? I can't write anymore. I am crying to hard. I'll write later.

Delilah did a little sketch of what that night looked like.

Thats one of the reasons I hate Delilah

Could you guys give me some feedback? :angel:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 01:33:18 am by ryannrules86 » Logged

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« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2007, 01:36:00 pm »

Wow. Fantastic.

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« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2007, 05:57:22 pm »

thanks I hoped you guys would like it :toothy7:
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 08:14:47 pm by ryannrules86 » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2007, 02:10:09 am »

Gone Forever
It's hard to think my mom is gone forever. All the stuff hasn't realy blown away yet. Delilah, Keisha, and I have to visit the guidance consler, Sister Rose, every tuesday. Father Maxwell stops by every once in a while to see how we are and so on and so forth. We were almost kicked out of school by Sister Donna. She is the oldest nun. She is very strict and up tight. She said ,"Our school doesn't need to be associated with children of women of that kind." Luckily Father Maxwell said,"It is not there fault they shouldn't be punished for someone elses mistakes. God forgives anyone for anything." Father Maxwell is very kind and caring. I haven't told Alex about my mom. I think we have to be a little closer. Plus I don't want him to think my mom was a slut (even though that is what my grandma thinks) She wasn't. She just wanted us to have a good life at whatever it took. Alex and Tawny have been asking me about the cuts on my arm and so has Sister Rose. I keep making-up excuesses. I am running out of them though because it is realy hard to explain how you got twenty cuts on your rist. I miss my mom. I want to hug her again. I want to kiss her cheek again. I want to feel her lips on my cheek. I want to tounch her skin one more time. It's like trying to catch a shooting star and you know you can't but you keep on going and persisting.  It's just realy realy hard for me to go threw my life without a mom.

This morning was my mother's funeral. Keisha, Delilah, and I were asked to kiss the flowers that went in her casket. Grandma told Father Maxwell to do this. She said it was so she could take a part of us with her to heaven. I thought it was great. I didn't want mom to forget me. Keisha keeps asking Grandma, Why someone would kill an amazing person. Grandma realy can't answer the question all though she try's. Keisha also asks her if mom will remember us? Grandma gives the same answer, Your mother loved you so much that she will never forget you because her love for you three was so strong. God made it that way so you all could get threw this. I miss mom. Your probably thinking she acts like it is such a big deal, Well when your mom dies you can't help thinking about her!

My Secret
I haven't written lately. I went over to Alex's today. I talked to him. He asked what was wrong with me because I was acting so weird lately. I told him, "Stuff."
"What Stuff"
"Personal Stuff" I said in a shy tone.
"What kind of stuff you can tell me anything"
I was silent. "You can tell me anything I'll tell you my secret'
"You first"
"Ok my secret is I think I love you" He said. My heart flittered so much I thought it would fly away. "Realy"
"Yeah the more time I spend with you the more I think I love you."
"Me to I think I love you too"
"What is your secret" he asked. My heart stop flittering because I had to answer."Well, You swear you won't Judge me or my familey"
"My mom just died becuase a man shot her" I didn't tell him the part about mom selling herself.
"Thats it. You poor Baby." He cuddled me and kissed me! He actually Kissed Me! He kissed ME! Me! I can't beleive it either. My life might be making a right turn. I am not getting my hopes up though.

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« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2007, 10:04:03 am »

thats a great update

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« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2007, 06:52:26 pm »


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