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Author Topic: Religious faith versus Non-conformist faith and the Sims 2  (Read 40247 times)
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« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2008, 05:27:15 pm »

Quote from: J00wish;1364238
I just LOVE learning about different religions. Thank you so much for sharing.


Lael, what's a Shaman?

That's a big question. The wiki article is mostly right in a general academic bland way but also missing a few things as well. It is very much a matter of cultural context (who's teaching it from what nation, tribe and perspective). Some tribes take exception to the name being used at all since it is of Siberian origin. I am obviously not one of those.

Sorry it's taken me so long to answer, Odessa. I wanted to really consider my answer and I got sidetracked with that other thought, though it ties in. I'll probably answer in several posts, if you are that interested. Would hate to bore people...

::smilieiforgetwhi:: "No longer talk at all about the kind of man that a good man ought to be, but be such." Book X Paragraph 16, "The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius" ::smilieiforgetwhi::

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« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2008, 12:40:30 am »

Quote from: CynicalSim;1366143
Actually, Christianity was around long before the birth of Christ.  It is an erroneous thought that it only began then.

I would like to see where you got this information from. According to all the information I have seen/read/heard on the subject Christianity began as a jewish cult sometime after the death of christ.

Unless you are referring to Judaism, then indeed you are correct.

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« Reply #32 on: September 07, 2008, 06:29:01 pm »

I am so interested in Wicca, Paganism and Witchcraft. I love how it is so focused on Nature and Spirits. And I think its really quite sad how someone takes a religion(s) like that and twists it into something completely different.

I  wasn't really raised in religion, I mean Ive been baptised and such, but I havn't been to church since I was like 2.

I really want to look into Wicca. Anyways.

As for witches in the sims. I think all that Maxis has done is add another awesome spin on an awesome game. I don't think the witches were meant to cause a stir.
Berilac Burrows

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« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2008, 05:35:05 am »

We should remember that Satanism is a Christian creation & only has relavance in the Christain community, to embrace Christianity is also to embrace Satanism, it's like the yin & yang in Buddism or negitive & positive in physics, one cannot exist without the other but somewhere between them is perfect balance or point of stability. I do not support Satanism just as I do not support Christianity, I don't follow any religion or institution as I find this restrictive to growth & evolution.

   I think witches in the sims is a great new feature & shouldn't be labeld with satanism or any other religous negitive view. This view is also a stab in the back to all the innocent women & men accused of witchery who were humiliated torchured & slaughterd in the name of God, in my understanding these people died because they were considerd a threat to the corruption & lies that existed with those that controlled the church.

   It is also my view that Christianity is not only unproductive in our modern world but is seriously destructive (in too many ways to explain here). If we want understaning & answers to life we just have to look around us & within us if we can let go of fear enough to see this.

 Christianity is a compilation of religions, philosiphys, & teachings which has been used to control the masses using fear & blind faith as its tool suppresing the natural flow of knowledge & growth.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 08:37:58 am by Berilac Burrows » Logged

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« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2008, 09:09:58 am »

Okay..there is no way I can join this thread after this post with all the double standards.  

Don't anyone dare run down and/or twist the beliefs of wiccans, paganism, or any other non Christian belief.  I am not saying anyone should or it is okay..

But there is all kinds of insults and nontruths thrown towards Christians.

Yes, throughout history there has been many terrible things done on behalf of Christianity..not taught by Christ but made up by man..

And mankind in the name of any belief has done terrible things throughout history.

The great thing is that no matter what our beliefs are, we can play our game however we enjoy.

1st Recapture - Chiara Hander, Strictly Sim Dancing - Arnaldo Balboa, Bachelorette CaboSanLucas - Antonio Balboa, StarTrek Intrepid - Thavanichent th'Dani. 2nd World's Hottest Fireman-Miki Suen, Married by Simmerica - Jared and Bryton Blaine, Hell date - Carlos Balboa, Best Bride Summer -Cadi and Antonio. 4th BOC 3rd cycle - Kimi Suen

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« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2008, 11:20:06 am »

I am an Atheist however I have always been the type to have a very open mind. I have studied Buddhism, Paganism and was (kinda) raised Christian. I have had several different friends with different beliefs and always took the time to listen. I believe most religions have something good to preach. However I am strongly opposed to any organized religion as I believe much like Berilac Burrows who posted above me that such institutions turn good principles into tools of manipulation, control and sometimes violence.

The Sims witches are such a staple of modern folklore in the way they were represented in AL I can’t understand how anyone can be offended. Like come on, green skin, cauldrons, flying brooms, cats, pointy hats, wands… This has nothing to do with real Wiccan religion, Sims witches are a joke! Those who got the impression that there was something similar with these witches and Wiccans simply do not know enough about Wiccans to know the difference (or to know that Wiccan beliefs are nothing close to “evil”).

To me magic is the representation of imagination and wonder. To be able to do magic is something I always wished for as a child. This world of ghosts, magic, witches and vampires etc. I knew none these things were real but I always was the type to daydream about worlds far far away. When we are young and our imagination has yet to be crushed by adults and TV, to me having magic in the game reminds me of those days where everything was still possible. It sends such a message of simplicity and innocence that I simply cannot wrap my head around all this controversy…

If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly . . . very slowly - Gypsy Rose Lee

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« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2008, 11:34:51 am »

Problem is, that there will always be people being offended by one thing or another. The only question is if their opinion matters, cause when it comes down to religion and games and/or books (Harry Potter anyone?) their stance is ridiculous and mostly shared by fanatics. Any game company or publisher aiming for major sales will do their utmost to keep their products clean.

The solution is rarther simple. If someone is offended by the contents of a game or a book, they shouldn't buy it. But they shouldn't try to shove their opinion down other's throats. Everyone is entitled to make their own decisions.

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« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2008, 08:46:19 pm »

I think religions was like mankind, they can be corrupted(they were ruled by humans afterall), as long as it teaches people to live life on the good side its ok

I myself am an agnostic(I'm open about the concept of religion but don't really believed them), I prefer to think that there were no afterlife, when I die I just vanished into nothingness, I think its better that way(makes you treasure your current life, and not too uptight in doing things in this life so you can go to heaven one day)

as for sims game, I'm their god(heheheh...), afterall, I do control ther lives, and the concept of witchcraft in AL is pure imagination(even the spells are named like the spells from Harry Potter books)

and screw those who were offended, its just a game, no more no less, they're just some petty, closed-minded, uptight people that has nothing better to do but to try and stir some troubles

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« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2008, 08:44:24 pm »

Fascinating thread. I read alot of info about Wicca and the Craft, so either we have some Wiccan/Pagan posters, or y'all have done your "homework". Berilac Burrows, while a little extreme (IMHO) in anti-religion views, is correct that Satan is a Christian entity, and Witches don't even believe in Satan, so how could we worship something we don't believe in? I'm not Wiccan, but I'm a Witch. I'm a hereditary, traditional Witch...while Wiccans are Witches, not all Witches are Wiccan. Wink I do, however, follow the Rede "An' it harm none, do what thou will". And like any Pagan, I believe in any excuse for a party (a little like Sims heheh).

As far as this controversy over the addition of the Witch in AL, my opinion is that there are just people out there who aren't happy if they aren't outraged by something. Why didn't these same people freak out about vampires and werewolves? Because something else had their undivided attention at the time, most likely. I've become accustomed to such absurd alarmist ranting and raving...I've played Dungeons and Dragons since I was 14 (that's 28 years) and I've heard it all. However, I have never seen anything but a bunch of nerds sitting around a table arguing over how to resolve a battle equation...nope, never sacrificed a chicken ever. Like RPGs, the Sims is a game based on blatant, shameless escapism (at least that's what it is for me). And quite frankly, I find the portrayal of the Witch to be stereotypical caricature that is utterly delightful and just plain fun (although the green skin on the bad Witch is hideous...thank you Spookymuffin for the replacement default). I don't really make religion a big deal in my game, but I do incorporate it a little bit with the holidays. I have Jewish, Christian and Pagan Sims and they celebrate their holidays, but that's about as detailed as religion gets in my neighborhood. I just think that if something offends someone, they can opt to not have it in their game. Adult content is a perfect example. It's available, but you don't have to put it in your game if you don't want it. If someone doesn't want supernatural characters, they can cure them.

And Angel2365, there is alot of info on Wicca and Paganism on the internet and alot of fantastic books available. Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunningham and Silver Ravenwolf are good authors to start with.



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« Reply #39 on: September 19, 2008, 09:20:37 pm »

At first I wasn't going to post, but after spending time reading all the post I wanted to say WOW!!  I never seen so much info in one spot. Some I agree with, Some I don't. Being a christian myself and being around a little while I've seen people use religions of all sorts to accommidate their world. I know a women who claims to be a wiccan, so she can cheat on her husband. I know an atheist who choose not to believe in God only because He doesn't want the rules or the belief that his actions are a sin (according to the bible and some religions). But there are a lot of people who decide as they get up in years that now is the time I better start believing. I probably won't be around when most of you grow old ,But I would be interested on how many of you change your opinion when death nears.  But like I've said to him if he's right we all die, nothing happens but eternal nothingness, But if he's wrong OUCH. If I follow his belief theres a chance I could burn or nothing. I would rather be safe then sorry and yes that maybe a wrong way to put it. But if your talking to a nonbeliever you have to put it in a way they can see. By the way that atheist had his daughter baptised. I guess when it comes to somethings it is better to be safe then sorry. I guess, Always be true to yourself and don't be a hypocrite. World has way too many all ready. just my opinion
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 09:27:45 pm by papa_di » Logged

started a new \\\\\\\"ever wonder why?\\\\\\\" Everyone needs to smile more!<br />\\\\\\\"90% of the world is made up of fools and idiots and the rest of us are in danger of contamination.\\\\\\\"
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« Reply #40 on: September 19, 2008, 09:44:36 pm »

Quote from: papa_di;1387570
I know a women who claims to be a wiccan, so she can cheat on her husband.

Then she is not a Wiccan. Just because someone is Wiccan doesn't mean they automatically follow a poly lifestyle. Wicca is a religion. Poly is a lifestlye choice. The rede states "Do as you will and it harm none." Cheating is definitely hurtful on her hubby and for her to use Wicca as an excuse for her actions is just plain wrong.

Just my two cents.

Everybody should believe something.
I believe I'll have more coffee.

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« Reply #41 on: September 20, 2008, 03:51:15 am »

Quote from: papa_di;1387570
I know an atheist who choose not to believe in God only because He doesn't want the rules or the belief that his actions are a sin (according to the bible and some religions)

How can you "choose" to believe in something? You either do or you don't.

If you were to consciously choose to believe in something wouldn't that mean that you don't believe in it at all but just wish that it were true?

Also, that seems to be a very strange reason to become an atheist. I mean, I know people who don't agree with all of the rules of their specific religion but they just ignore those rules.
I'm an atheist. Not because I didn't like any part of a religion, I'm an atheist because I find all religions fanciful and unbelievable; not to mention the mountain of evidence that contradicts them (I'm a scientist, I can't ignore the evidence!).

So, in conclusion, I don't think that anyone chooses to believe in anything. Belief isn't a choice, you choose a religion (or lack thereof) based upon your belief.

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." - Charles Darwin.

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« Reply #42 on: September 20, 2008, 09:16:02 am »

Quote from: spookymuffin;1387837
How can you "choose" to believe in something? You either do or you don't.

If you were to consciously choose to believe in something wouldn't that mean that you don't believe in it at all but just wish that it were true?

Also, that seems to be a very strange reason to become an atheist. I mean, I know people who don't agree with all of the rules of their specific religion but they just ignore those rules.
I'm an atheist. Not because I didn't like any part of a religion, I'm an atheist because I find all religions fanciful and unbelievable; not to mention the mountain of evidence that contradicts them (I'm a scientist, I can't ignore the evidence!).

So, in conclusion, I don't think that anyone chooses to believe in anything. Belief isn't a choice, you choose a religion (or lack thereof) based upon your belief.

I am into science as well. Without telling what I do for a living, I deal with it day to day, put it that way. I feel that some people do choose in what to believe from politics to religion. They make the choice based on what they agree with. if they agree with it spiritually or (as in your case scientifically)you review the evidence and choose to believe that that science proved that there was no God. But some people make choice's completely based on how they want to live, not based on what they believe. Like it was a hard struggle for me, because of my huge science background, You are absolutely right about that huge amount of evidence that say there is no God. But I choose to ignore that because my belief is stronger, my faith is stronger. That's why I said be true to yourself and not a hypocrite. Now understand I'm not saying I disagree with you I'm just saying that these situations have happened, right or wrong. People make decisions purely based on life needs sometimes and not what they believe.

And CJ, Thats why I think she's a hypocrite, She told me that wiccans worship the earth and that like the animals, no one has the same mate. I just believe what she said because he bought it. But you could see its killing him. I really know absolulely nothing about wiccans,I just saw the pain someone used to cause pain with it and made my opinion based on that. But man, I've definitely learned some here about it . I would tell him but she's got him brained washed. Someday his eyes will open and maybe he will take a walk.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 09:27:03 am by papa_di » Logged

started a new \\\\\\\"ever wonder why?\\\\\\\" Everyone needs to smile more!<br />\\\\\\\"90% of the world is made up of fools and idiots and the rest of us are in danger of contamination.\\\\\\\"

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« Reply #43 on: September 20, 2008, 09:16:09 am »

Quote from: papa_di;1387570
But there are a lot of people who decide as they get up in years that now is the time I better start believing. I probably won't be around when most of you grow old ,But I would be interested on how many of you change your opinion when death nears.

Interesting thought. Personally, I don't think, that I would move any closer to any form of organised religion. I'm already in my mid 40ies and had my share of lost loved ones. Did it move me closer to what I was born and raised with? The answer is no.

See, I was born an raised a catholic. Now I consider myself an agnostic and I can't imagine finding any answer in Christian or any other believe in the future. Simply because I don't believe in their concepts. That doesn't mean that I totally discard everything they're believing. If it was only about Jesus, he would be kind of a role model for a decent living. But it isn't. Over the centuries people have added the contents of the old Testament which festures a vengeful, jealous god, pretty much the same as the gods of the Hellenic or Roman pantheon. There has been much bending and stretching to make this concept half logical. Same goes for the trinity, which has been introduced at a much later time and - together with the saints - is basically the return to politheism.

The world is some billion years old and humanity took the stage some minutes ago as far as earth's history is concerned. We're insignificant and the few thousands of years of monotheistic religions are even more insignificant.

If I was to believe in something, it would be a neutral entity, neither good nor bad. It would be the force of nature itself.

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« Reply #44 on: September 20, 2008, 09:17:52 am »

oops, double post
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