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Author Topic: Cluedo: "Gone to Meet Your Mayor" MYSTERY SOLVED (Winner: rock-star)  (Read 26188 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2008, 11:39:05 pm »


"Oh, I hope I didn't disturb you!" Lady Elizabeth cried when she stumbled in on Professor Plum and Madame Rose enjoying themselves in the Conservatory.

Both Plum and Rose got up the settee they were sitting on.

"Oh no no no no, of course not," Prof. Plum insisted, "We were just enjoying a late night meal together."

"Well, that does make sense," Elizabeth figured, "Afterall, I didn't see you two sharing dinner with the rest of the group. Were you not permitted by Mrs. Peacock?"

Professor Plum cleared his throat and adjusted his spectacles,

"Well no, that isn't the case for my sister wouldn't be cruel in that sort. Sometimes I do eat dinner here, but more often than once I either too busy with a new mental innovation to even bother with my stomach. Other times, I feel guilty being another mouth to feed for Mrs. White, so I tend to see what's about the town. There's a nice little cafe I love to go to. Anne and I were planning to go there tonight, but she wasn't up for it, heh."

"I would say so," Elizabeth agreed, "For Miss Rose doesn't look quite...happy."

Sure enough, a instinctive glare was present on her face.

"Will your husband be giving Nathan his job back at the University?"

Plum turned to her completely dumbfounded by this statement of which she asked in such a serious tone. Lady Elizabeth was too, yet she said,

"Well...uh...of course....of course he will! How silly of you to think otherwise?"

Rose was not convinced.

"Your lying through your rotten teeth..." She accused, "There's no point doing so. I can tell a liar. You think you can hid from me? HA! I read you like a book! You and your vulture of a hubby are going to backstab the Professor and I can tell. It's now a matter of you confessing now...or later?"

This accusation stung Lady Elizabeth like a bee. One could feel the seething anger...

"Professor Plum, I'm sure you being a lunatic won't help your case for getting your job back for you must be one! Only a man of insanity would romanticize with this uncouth little witch! She's a crafty one, but you will have to choose between her...or us who are willing to help you?"

Plum stood there on the floor, completely bewildered.

"I.....I don't know what to say....for once...I don't know what to say...!"

He paused as both glares sunk into him.

"Please Anne, let's get out of here. Perhaps you can clear things up for me in private.."

Promptly, they both exited the Conservatory through a little niche behind a mirror that swung open....

« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 11:42:54 pm by Cluedo » Logged

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« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2008, 03:26:50 am »


At the moment, only Colonel Mustard and Inspector LeNoir remained in the Billiard Room. They both retreated to the two armchairs at the back where they were having a little chat about the current issues that were on their minds. There was something not right about Lord Douglas. At least, that's what Colonel Mustard thought.

"Well, as much I seldom admit it, I think I may be having regrets about my voting decision," Mustard admitted.

"Ah, but vhy?" Insp. LeNoir responded surprised, "Lord Douglas iz a good man!"

"There is something awfully peculiar about him," Mustard answered, "I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is definitely something not straight about him."

"That's a good egg there!" Lord Douglas chuckled as he entered from the doorway, "Because there is nothing straight about you Colonel..."

Both Mustard and LeNoir looked up surprised.

"Oh?" Mustard responded, raising his brow, "And what would you know?"

"Plenty, Colonel Mustard, I know plenty...," His mouth curled into a smug sneer.

"Go on..." Mustard edged him on, a threatening growl in his voice...

"Oh you would like to hear more?" Douglas sneered, "Well, I'm personally more than happy to remind you of how all those lonely nights during the  War prompted you step out of superior boundaries with a fellow soldier under your command, for which you made love not wa..."

Mustard jumped up from his seat and pointed his finger in Lord Douglas' face.

"You just shut your face right there you sniveling peasant!" He growled, " I am a ladies man! Besides, how would you know about anything, considering I never seen YOUR face during the war!"

"Please refrain from mudslinging me," Douglas condescended as he snorted through his pig-like nostrils, "Afterall, I'm alway right, and I was there. It was a time before I received my fortune, and my title...a time when I was remembered as Father Rothschilde, the military chaplain. Oh, I knew all about you. Thankfully, you always regarded me in high moral standards. Too bad I can't return the same compliment. Of course, I can't be the final judge. You still have the Lord to deal with when he condemns you for your male shagging escapades..."

Colonel Mustard got up and grabbed the Globus that sat on the table and waved it in front of Lord Douglas' face.

"If you don't shut your pie-hole this minute, I'll give you something to scream about, say, a nice shagging escapade up your derrière with this!"

"Careval Mustard..." Insp. LeNoir muttered, "Don't do anysing I vould ave to take action for ..."

Mustard shot him a seething glance as well, but held his tongue as he turned to leave the room.

"Vhy did you vat so long to tell im zat?" LeNoir asked Lord Douglas.

Douglas smiled.

"Every vote counted."

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« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2008, 04:07:16 pm »


"There we are!" Lady Elizabeth exclaimed to herself, "This room is starting to look better already!"

She looked down and admired her handiwork. Apparently, she had moved the Candlestick from it's usual spot from the Dining Room and into the Library. Of course, one would question this odd sort of aesthetic arrangement coming from a person who didn't own the place.

Much to her delight, Mrs. Peacock entered the Library as well. It was the perfect moment.

"Your Candlestick is quite the antique Ethylene!" Elizabeth stated to her, "I thought where it was in the Dining Room just didn't do a treasure such as this any justice. You had it tucked away in a corner in there. I think it looks much nicer in here..."

Mrs. Peacock was less than amused.

"I think you don't have a say in the matter," She disagreed, "Not that I don't mind others appreciating my assets, I'm not the kind of person who enjoys having them moved about without my knowledge."

That was when Lady Elizabeth knew the time was ripe. She paused before finally revealing all...

"Before this night is done, it won't matter if I gave you knowledge or not. Tudor Close...will now belong to us!"

Mrs. Peacock stepped backward and gulped; horrified.


"I've been waiting all night to tell you, my dear. The mayor's house is such a drab looking affair for our tastes. Tudor Close will do so much more nicely. I've had my eyes on this house for a while....quite a while. Douglas promised I'd live in it in no time flat. Ha! But only after we kick a good for nothing whоre like you onto the streets....and have everything to us."

"Well, I would like to see a betraying witch like you try that..." Mrs. Peacock responded, trying to keep her cool.  Deep down, she knew they had nothing on her She never did anything wrong. Right?

Lady Elizabeth stepped forward and stuck Mrs. Peacock across the cheek and let out a loud, shrill bird-like laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!" Her horrible chortle penitrated the room as her make-up began to flake onto her frock, "There is nothing, NOTHING you can do! My husband has EVERYTHING on you! You...are..just...a...rotten...crook. We have Mayor LeBoeuf's diary, recovered from his unfortunate death...."

"I take it you two had something to do with it...." Mrs. Peacock muttered, holding her cheek in pain, "You both are the reason as to why he died..."

"It matters not what involves us!" Elizabeth retorted back, "It's you who should be worrying. We have EVERYTHING on you. From your affair with the mayor, to the tax thief you both conspired on! You were a greedy little magpie Mrs. Peacock, you always were. You had everything handed down to you when ever you. I had to WORK to the top! Now, it's my turn! I WANT what you have..I will have your fortune...and your house...and your life. It's MINE now, and if you try to interfere, we will be tickled pink to RUIN YOU!"

"Why, what difference does it make," Mrs. Peacock calmly replied, as she picked up the Candlestick and turned to leave, "I rather have the townspeople hate me than lose my beloved home to a miserable old hag like you..."

"You forget, Douglas is now the MAYOR,"  It's his town now...and his rules," Elizabeth shrieked back to her, "He is your new master and when he says better jump! Or he won't only expose you....he will do much worse. He got all the connections needed to rub you off the face of this planet!"

Mrs. Peacock didn't reply....she just hurried with the Candlestick and got the Hеll out of there...


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« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2008, 04:13:55 pm »


"Are you sure Anne, are you really certain!?" Professor Plum asked Madame Rose as nervous beads of sweat formed on his head. It was either from the heat of the secret passage, or from the situation.

"Oui, I'm am most positive," Rose replied, "Those people, they are evil creatures both of them. They are not setting out to help you Nathan....they want to ruin you and make your life miserable..."

"Alright, alright," Plum surrendered.

He bent down and picked a spare Wrench that was discarded on the ground.

"What do you need that for?" Mme. Rose asked.

Plum make sly grin.

"I think...I just may need to batter an explanation out of them..."


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« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2008, 02:02:09 am »

HALL- 10:45 PM

About half an hour had passed and already Insp. Matthieu LeNoir began to feel the heated tensions arising within the walls of Tudor Close. He didn't know where Mrs. Peacock was and yet he wanted to leave. Or at least leave before he got caught in the crossfire. On the other hand, what would these people do to his dear friend, Lord Douglas, if they left him alone? Then again, even he was starting to have doubts about his friend. He wondered, if possibly he was who he was lead to believe he was.

He reached the front doors of the Hall and was prepared to exit, yet as soon as he opened the door....

...Captain Brown came stumbling in; stark in his underpants!

"Sacrebleu!" Insp. LeNoir exclaimed, "Capitaine Brown; what iz da matta wiz you!?"

Brown's respond was deep, crude and hardly audible. His breath reeked of alcohol.

"Ugh...*burp*...heat's twas getting to me.......must find...*hic* to rest......ughh..*uk*"

"I sink you better go to your vroom....," LeNoir suggested sternly, "Before anybody zees you lookin like ze fool!"

With that, the Inspector left Tudor Close while Brown stumbled off to God knows where!

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« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2008, 03:43:54 pm »


By now, Reverend Green, Mr. Slate-Grey and Miss Scarlet had returned to the mansion after a great, prosperous evening. Each one of them split off to go their separate ways, though each one holding the secret of what they were up to during the night.

Miss Scarlet was particularly exhausted. She was very tired, but very satisfied at the same time. She always liked to have thrilling nights! Now, however it was time to wind down. She retreated to the Lavatory where she planned to have a long, hot bath....

Then however, without permission came entering Lord Douglas Rothschilde himself!

"I knew I'd find you eventually," He cooed in a low voice, "Where have you been all night my dear?"

Scarlet was not pleased.

"This is my private time," She scolded in an annoyed tone, "You are not allowed."

Lord Douglas looked down at the floor bemused.

"Alright, alright, I can respect that being a gentleman," His voice said it insincerely, "Perhaps I will see you tonight then..."

He looked up, a look of lust in his eyes.

"But first, how about a little kiss for good luck?"

He lunged forward frisking her body; his lips puckered....

Miss Scarlet thinking fast, slapped him across the face.

"Try that move again, and I'll give you more than a little slap across the face," Scarlet warned, "I'm not a harlot for your pleasure. I've done what you asked me to do, now, don't let me see your face again...."

"Very well, I let you see something else for a change," Douglas sneered as he patted his crotch, "Afterall, your service is not completed...yet. You are very beautiful woman....perfect for a mayor like me...and I would like to take advantage of that. Don't forget, I'm not the one responsible for murder..."

At saying this, he promptly pulled out the silver Pistol that was all too familiar for Scarlet.

Scarlet didn't reply. She just glared with an dangerous look.

"I see you are thinking it over," He noted, "Just don't think too long....."

He laughed as he exited the Lavatory.

Scarlet turned away stunned. Her mind was all a flutter and she honestly couldn't see straight. She grabbed a glass and filled it with some water. Water that would help clear her mind. Then her eyes saw something else....clearer than the water. A gleaming silver Razor...recently wiped clean.

She picked it up and slowly turned her head towards the door....

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« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2008, 10:10:16 pm »


Mr. Andrew Slate-Grey was at the piano in the Ballroom playing away. It happened to be the same song he was playing earlier for Miss Scarlet's strip dance. There was something about the tune....he really liked it!

"Hummm mmm hummm humm hum hum da da da...."
He mouthed along with the tune.

Then he stopped. There was another noise interrupting. It was the clickity-clacking of a woman's healed shoes hurrying along the floor. In no time flat, Miss Peach burst into the Ballroom.

"Oh Drew!" She cried, " I thought it must have been you. I can't imagine who else would be playing at such an ungodly hour of the night! Anyway, I need to get a word in with you...."

Slate-Grey got up from the stool.

"Please Daisy, calm yourself," He suggested, "Now, do explain."

"It's the new mayor! He's nothing but selfish pig!" She cried, "He doesn't give a darn lick about the rest of us! He going destroy everything that's good about this town so he can satisfy himself and that lard for a wife!"

Slate-Grey looked puzzled.

"How is he going to do that, dare I ask?"

"He plans to slash the Arts & Culture program of the village to the point of extinction! The very thing that keeps are livelihood alive! I tried to stop him, but he was so uncouth that he even insulted a gal like me! He's doing this because he thinks it's a waste of time! Your are an artist and I'm a dancer. We both will be ruined!"

Now Slate-Grey was starting to panic.

"But...but....he can't!" He stuttered, "He has NO right to do that!"

Miss Peach looked scornful.

"But he say he does! After all, he's the mayor! Ooooh!"

Then she turned away from him and looked down on the marble floor.

"Ohhhh I could kill that greedy bаstard, I really could. Just because one nasty old man thinks it's all high and mighty of him to cast others aside for his own liking! Why, I could hang him from the nearest pine tree, I could!"

Slate-Grey upon hearing this, strode over to the curtains at the back of the room and gave one of them a firm tug. Sure enough, a piece of Rope came off in his hands.

"Daisy, I think that just may convince them to......reconsider...."


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« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2008, 10:00:47 pm »


As soon as Lord Douglas went back down stairs, he strolled along the corridor . It had been been a long evening so far. Sure enough, he was satisfied that he had made his intentions clear to everyone. That is, does Mrs. Peacock know about his intentions for her home?

Before he could give it a second thought he heard a strange noise. It sounding like a faint banshee moaning incoherently in the night. It was coming from the Lounge.

As soon he entered, Lord Douglas made a double take and tried to hid the Pistol in his hands under his arm.

"Dear Lord!" He cried, "'t mean to disturb you both!"

"It wouldn't be the first time..." Rose replied in a cold tone, "There's no use hiding the truth from us....I know all!"

"Yes Mr. Douglas," Plum agreed, "I for one would like to know the TRUTH behind your intentions..."

They both slowly inched towards him....

Feeling threatened, Douglas brandished the Pistol before them both.

"Stand back," He commanded warningly, "That's Lord Douglas to you, my good sir, and perhaps we can discuss this under less threatening circumstances. Say, shall we discuss what ever is the problem peacefully in the Library?"

Deep down, he couldn't wait to tell what he planned to do with Plum. The professor, not wishing to be shot, complied reluctantly.

"Very well..." He muttered.

"Good," Douglas settled, "Now then, who is making that awful groaning noise?"

Both Rose and Plum turned their heads indicating a figure on the settee. Douglas took a step forward to see who it was....

"Well I would never believe it if I didn't see it for myself..." Douglas said aloud, his mouth forming it's usual look of mischief.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 12:11:34 am by Cluedo » Logged

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« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2008, 10:01:00 pm »

STUDY- 11:19 PM

"This cannot be allowed to happen!" Mrs. Ethylene Peacock protested to her close confidant, "I cannot allow those two miserable old crocodiles to kick me out of my ancestral home!"

Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I think were all getting second thoughts about letting that man take over our town...." Colonel Mustard replied with regret.

"But something MUST be done Clifford!"

"Of course something must be done..." Mustard agreed.

"But that's just it!" Mrs. Peacock despaired, "There's nothing I can do! They simply know too much. Oh where is my Pistol? It should be here in my drawer...."

She frantically opened up her desk drawers....most of them not containing anything of use.

"Don't you worry Ethyl," Colonel Mustard reassured, "I know I  can think of something.....even if it kills them..."


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« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2008, 10:01:12 pm »


Lady Elizabeth was hurrying down the corridor. She was looking for her husband. In her opinion, they've made their point....and now it was time to get the Hеll out of here....

...only it wasn't her husband she bumped into though....

"Oh!" She cried.

"Don't you "Oh!" us Missy!" Miss Peach threatened, brandishing the Kitchen Knife.

"Yes, you have some real reconsidering to think about..." Mr. Slate-Grey added clutching the Rope in his hands.

Lady Elizabeth was utterly flabbergasted.

"This is absolutely unacceptable!" She protested, "How dare you threaten me?"

"We will do more than than threaten if you don't shut up, you!"  Peach snapped.

"We are not going to let you revolting philistines ruin our lives!" Slate-Grey cried defensively, "We will revolt back!"

They both edged closer as Lady Elizabeth trembled in her slippers. She knew she was in deep shіt now...

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« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2008, 10:01:23 pm »

STUDY- 11:30 PM

Back in the Study, Mrs. Peacock had summoned for Mrs. White's presence. She   needed to get out of the mansion. Perhaps not forever, but for the time being, staying in the mansion was just too risky....

"Mary, I'm afraid I've got some troubling news...." Peacock forewarned.

"Do you wish to confide in me, m'lady?" Mrs. White asked.

"I'm not prepared to do so yet," Peacock admitted, "But I need you and Hogarth to pack your things right now. We are all going to stay in one of the town's more secluded Bed and Breakfasts for the night...."

That was when Colonel Mustard entered. His face was a little pale, though he didn't seem too upset.

"There's no need to do that Ethyl...

"Why not?" Mrs. Peacock asked.

Mustard make a sly looking grin.

"It appears that the good mayor and his wife have miraculously gone to meet their maker...."


Lord and Lady Rothschilde have been murdered! Colonel Mustard found their bodies at the foot of the cellar stairs. Inspector LeNoir has been sent in to discover which of the ten suspects at the house that day killed them. But, he's having problems and needs your help!

As a player, you can either interrogate as suspect, visit a room, or make a suggestion.

You may only ask SIX questions to the suspects per day. You may only visit THREE rooms in total. Everyone can make a suggestion, but you can only make ONE suggestion per hour.

If any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Good luck and happy sleuthing!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 05:25:22 pm by Cluedo » Logged

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« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2008, 05:59:40 am »

Ooh, finally! We can get down to buisness!

I want to search the lounge!


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« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2008, 04:18:17 pm »

PM sent.

As for the rest of you...

As a reminder,  here are the ten suspects, ten weapons, and ten rooms....

SUSPECTS: Colonel Mustard, Professor Plum, Reverend Green, Miss Peach, Captain Brown, Mrs. Peacock, Madame Rose, Miss Scarlet, Mrs. White, Mr. Slate-Grey.

WEAPONS: Candlestick, Knife, Wrench, Lead Pipe, Rope, Pistol, Poison, Fire Poker, Razor, Globus Cruciger.

ROOMS: Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, Lavatory, Ballroom, Conservatory, Billiard Room, Library, Study.

Here is the list of rooms you are allowed to visit.

Ground Floor

Dining Room
Billiard Room

Second Floor

Guest Bedroom
White's Room
Mustard's Room
Green's Room
Peach's Room
Peacock's Room
Scarlet's Room
Plum's Room
Brown's Room
Rose's Room
Slate-Grey's Room


Secret Passage K/S
Secret Passage L/C

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« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2008, 04:22:04 pm »

Can i please search Scarlet's room?

:worship:!I LOVE MY SIGNATURE!:worship:

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« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2008, 04:49:20 pm »

PM sent! Smiley
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