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16  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: What are you currently doing (besides being here)? on: February 04, 2013, 11:59:25 pm
It's been a very, very long time since I have been here. I was just surfing the internet looking for any remaining Sims2 sites. I never did buy Sims3, just lost interest basically.
I'm taking a break from crocheting an afghan. In my time away from the Sims, I have made several quilts and far more afghans than I can count. I am also watching my silly puppy sleep.....he always sleeps on his back with his four feet in the air. He's a bit weird, like me  Grin
He is a cross between a Jack Russell and a Shih Tzu and is pretty much the energizer bunny in dog fur  Laugh
I had a beautiful American Cocker Spaniel, but he passed away in 2010. So now we have this new little guy called Jake and I am actually taking this break from crocheting because he is sleeping on the afghan I was trying to work on.
17  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Game Won't Load on: July 26, 2009, 10:49:06 am
It's a house I built with NO cheats. It works fine in the other neighbourhood. I can't get anything in this neighbourhood to work though, so I can't even bulldoze this house. *sigh* I'm just gonna have to delete this neighbourhood and start all over I think, but thanks for the help.  :kiss:
18  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: I love my cat... (pictures included.) on: July 25, 2009, 09:55:41 pm
Care, that pic is a sugar overload, just way too adorable.  :kiss:
19  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Is this common? on: July 25, 2009, 09:50:53 pm
I had that same problem with that particular site. They don't respond to any e-mails either. I just gave up and got rid of everything from them.
20  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Game Won't Load on: July 25, 2009, 09:48:08 pm
This is along the same lines, I game loads, but when I click on a house to play, it freezes. I have deleted the cache files, but no success. It only happens in one neighbourhood I play, the other one is fine.
I was playing, and the game froze, I restarted my computer, loaded up the game and now I can't get in to play. Anybody got any things for me to try? Short of deleting my neighbourhood and rebuilding it, I'm out of ideas.
21  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: I love my cat... (pictures included.) on: July 24, 2009, 07:50:21 pm
He is so cute! I hope he he isn't a hand full being part Jack Russel.
  Laugh2 He is a handful in more ways than one. He fits in my hands quite nicely, but he has ALL the stubbornness of the Jack Russell in him.  shocked Let's just say potty training is a bit of a challenge..... GAH3
22  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: What are you currently doing (besides being here)? on: July 06, 2009, 08:41:17 am
Besides reading posts cause I haven't been here for a long time, I am just sitting at my computer with my puppy asleep on my foot. I'm such a softie, I haven't the heart to move and wake him up. Besides, as he is just a puppy, only 3 months old on the 1st, if I do wake him up, he'd have all that puppy energy and I just got comfortable.  Laugh
23  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: Pop star Michael Jackson dead: report on: July 06, 2009, 08:38:04 am
I still find it hard to believe that he is gone. Lordy I am 50, it's a bit unsettling when someone your own age passes away.
I feel bad for his family especially the children, and now it seems as if there might be a custody battle. With his mother being 79, it's just my personal opinion, but to me she is too old to take on the responsibility of raising children. Everyday there seems to be more and more upsetting things being reported. I can't imagine how difficult this must all be on his family. How sad it is that all his secrets will now be bandied about in tabloids.
I am so glad I am a nobody.
24  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: Keep me in thought on: July 06, 2009, 08:31:01 am
Get well soon. Hospitals are really torture chambers in disguise.
25  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: I love my cat... (pictures included.) on: July 06, 2009, 08:23:48 am
We got a new puppy so I am posting his picture....

His name is Jake. I don't know how to resize it, so I'm just posting the link. He didn't even weigh a full pound when we got him, it's all that hair that makes him look bigger. He's now a little bit over one pound, but he's hell on wheels. He's a cross between a Jack Russel and a Shih Tzu. We also have 5 cats and he is smaller than every one of them, but he still thinks he's the boss of them all. He's not supposed to get any bigger than 10 or 12 pounds, and that will put him on equal footing with the cats.
Here he is meeting one of our cats......he's since made friends with our youngest cat Squeak. It's hilarious to watch the two of them wrestle, and even funnier to watch this tiny puppy drag Squeak around by her ears. Why she allows him to do this, we do not know.
26  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: Diabetes :( on: July 06, 2009, 07:49:08 am
I have type 2 diabetes. Truthfully it has not had a huge impact on me. I do now watch what I put in my mouth and am trying to get more exercise than I did in the past.
I take metformin 3 times a day which helps control my blood sugar. I must be really weird because when I got the diagnosis I didn't panic. I did buy some books and a cookbook for diabetics, but that's pretty much all the stuff I did. I researched legitimate medical sites and family also did research for me.
I never did look at my diagnosis as the end of the world and I am very happy that I do not require insulin, BUT I still hate the finger poking thing. That's the only part that sucks big time for me.
27  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / Re: I'm I the only one who would rather just keep playing sims 2. on: July 06, 2009, 07:33:48 am
 Grin Wow, am I ever glad I didn't buy Sims3. I didn't read all the posts, (shame on me) but I read enough and have heard enough from friends that I'd made up my mind before it was released not to bother with it.
No way do I want to play without Marvine and Beosxboy's gorgeous bodybuilders. Add to that the missing Warlock ladies, and how utterly boring I would find the game.
Sims3 sound like it has way too many limitations for me.
On the positive side, at least I don't feel like EA ripped me off.
28  Resident Creators / EP8 Mods / Sleepover enabled for children EP8 on: September 02, 2008, 06:22:56 pm
29  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Chinese green dresses on: August 29, 2007, 11:46:37 am
This really caught my eye! I think it's amazing. Thanks.
30  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Paysite Discussion Thread on: August 26, 2007, 08:30:46 pm
I fell into the trap of "paysites", big time. What a terrible mistake that was. After my downloads folder was just rudiculously large I began to purge it. And to my surprise, most of the things I purged were from pay-sites. I was furious at myself for the wasted money.
Seems to me the best route would be to upload your creations to a site like this one, donate on a regular basis, and you just aviod all the hassle. To pay a set price for something just doesn't sit well with me. Of course it is only my opinion that the prices are too high for the quality. I've seen many pay-sites vanish over the years, and I must say, I don't miss them.
I do however have no objection to having something extrordinarily well done being offered on a free site for pay, as an incentive to donate to help defray the costs of bandwidth on a site this size.
So many people come here, grab what they want and leave with nary a thought to the time the creator put into the item, or the time Kathy and Eric devote to this site.
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