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Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / SOLVED: How do I get the charcoal off my face??
on: November 12, 2014, 04:42:55 pm
Here's a silly question (just cuz I'm a Sims vet but haven't played in forever)...
I just had my Sim sit down to repair the computer (my bad considering she's low on the mechanical skill). The dang thing exploded onto her face and nothing will clean it off (I assumed a bath or shower would, if not, to delete her, save, and have her brand-new at the mailbox). How do I get her face UN-charcoaled?
Problem solved. Used the Insimenator to take care of it. Probably could have done it using the mirror and then changing Full Face Makeup and then go back to normal face. Anyone else can use this in case they have the same problem.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / The Correct Order of Operations (Expansions)
on: July 12, 2013, 06:42:51 pm
Hey, everyone.
I'm hoping this isn't a constant repeat of what other Simmers have written...
My friend just ordered The Sims 2 Deluxe (The Sims 2 / Nightlife). I noticed when looking through the expansions that University is actually the second Sims 2 expansion and Nightlife is the 3rd expansion.
One, why is the deluxe pack the first and third expansion as opposed to the first and second?
Second, is my friend able to add University after downloading the deluxe she just ordered? I'm pretty sure that when I had read a similar post that someone said it is not like Sims 1 where you had to download the expansions in order, otherwise you'd screw up the game. The Sims 2 is a little more flexible when it comes to downloading expansions. I'm hoping this is true...
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Stuck Build Tool
on: February 25, 2013, 07:00:05 pm
I have a problem I had years ago. I was building a wall and now somehow my dang tool is stuck there. It won't budge and it shows when I put the game into "Sim" mode.
I can't remember how I got rid of it before. I have tried going over it with a build tool but it simply won't go away.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Frozen Sim
on: January 07, 2013, 12:41:46 pm
Now I'm having a glitch with my Sim. Darren Dreamer just won't interact with his kids! He used to not interact with anything or anyone.
At first, I tried deleting him. Nothing. I also tried to move his whole family out of the house and back in again. He finally started to interact with his wife, but his wife won't interact with him. I'll have him do menial jobs like picking up the phone or washing a dish, but he won't interact with any nursery items or his toddler boys. All the nursery items I've never had issues with with any other Sim.
I know it's not a CC issue. All my other lots with the same CC are playable and working just fine.
The interesting part is that his Plum Bob keeps flickering in and out when I select him. I'm afraid to delete that, though, because I've never done it and I'm not sure if it will come back like when you delete a Sim.
Any suggestions?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Custom Greek House Issues...
on: December 26, 2012, 02:25:41 pm
I just recently added a new dorm to my campus. I already typed in the "change lot zones" cheat so it knows that it's a dorm. But when I have one of my currently residing students to call to apply for a charter, they aren't able to. I know you can custom create a Greek House from scratch and have the "Apply for Charter" option available because I have done it before, so why can't I do it now? I did create my first GH awhile ago so I might be missing a step?
ANSWER: Just remembered in order to apply for a charter, I must be applying for one in a residential house, NOT a dorm. I'm a dork. So, guys, if any of you are wondering how to do this, just lettin you know it's an easy fix!
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Frozen Lot
on: December 15, 2012, 02:52:05 pm
Usually when a Sim freezes unexpectedly, the norm would be to delete the Sim, save before leaving for the neighborhood, and then coming back to find the same Sim, except everything works fine. No more bugs.
This time, the freeze happened to everyone in the house, plus guests. The funny thing is, though, is that the Sims are the only ones who are frozen. All other animations (music, the fountain, T.V. etc) are working just fine. I have never had issues with this lot before, but now all 4 of the household Sims are frozen. I tried to delete them and come back to the lot, but it doesn't help things. The time is stuck, too. No time is moving forward at all. On top of that, one of the Sims is out visiting the campus and won't return, of course.
When I go to other lots and invite the boys over from the frozen lot, everything works fine. You wouldn't know there was a problem!
It's definitely the lot. So, any suggestions?
P.S. I haven't downloaded any CC for a year so I know that's not the problem.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sinking Business...
on: June 23, 2012, 11:21:42 am
I was wondering if anyone had some advice for running a successful business in OFB.
I have this store and I worked pretty hard on it. I have four employees, have priced all of my items, and I am really focusing on "assessing moods and desires" and my employees' sales techniques as well as customer service, yet my cash flow is plummeting! I'm not understanding why.
When I priced my items, at first I went "average" on every item. My cash flow wasn't doing too well, so I overpriced some items. This was all right for awhile but then my cash flow began to sink again. I went the other way and decided to make everything average and a few things cheap. Now I'm really sinking.
Any help from my Sim peers?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Solved "Runaway" Issue
on: February 25, 2012, 03:44:20 pm
It's taken me awhile to figure out what exactly to do with those pesky runaway teens! I know a lot of Simmers here have the same issue... can't find the hack to keep them at home! So, I added my own cheat for you in case no one else has here. Try this: Save-a-Sim. For anyone who's not familiar with this concept, follow the below instructions: When your Sim teen announces she's going to run away, hit Shift/Control-C. Write in the following cheat "move_objects on"
Switch over to Furniture. Grab a hold of the "runaway" teen.
Delete the teen.
Switch over to Neighborhood. And yes, you're going to want to SAVE!
Come back to the lot and your teen is a brand new Sim. Fully happy and all their needs are met! Happy Simming!
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Stopping Runaways Cheat?
on: June 22, 2011, 11:17:13 am
Okay, as always, I think I have pretty much exhausted all other resources to try to solve my problem before seeking Sim counsel.
I have an issue with runaways. Yes, it would be a heck of a lot easier to maintain a household of less than 8 kids and keep everyone happy, but it's also less challenging. So, my question is (speaking of less challenging), is there any cheat I could use to stop teens from running away without having to download anything into my game (computer is out-of-commission downloading wise).
If not, I can always just keep on struggling with maintaining relationships, which is a part of the reason I love this game. But, I was just curious...
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sims Becoming Popular at the Price of No Privacy Period
on: December 29, 2010, 11:34:55 am
I'm in trouble. I downloaded the cheat mailbox for OFB. It's a great tool, however, it came with NO instructions for any cheat it comes with! I have no idea what any of cheats really do. So I decided experiment. I found that choosing the cheat "Make me know everyone" really means, "Have my phone ring off the hook constantly night and day. Allow me no free time to deal with quiet, deal with daily chores and make me starve because everyone won't leave me alone."
I want this to be reversed somehow. It's no fun playing the family out when the phone is constantly ringing and the worst part is, I can't seem to get my family members to ignore the dang thing because it's an automatic response. What can I do to reverse this cheat? Please, someone help. I really would like to give my Sims their privacy back. From now on, I'm going to make my Sims popular the good old-fashioned way... meet Sims through the Sim itself.
Also, if anyone would have an idea about where I can find the instructions or details on what those cheats mean or what they do ~ please let me know where I can find them. That would be much appreciated so I don't run into problems with yet another one of those cheats. Thanks in advance.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Property line cheat
on: October 28, 2010, 07:58:01 am
I know this has been discussed here before, but I can't seem to find the topic. So here goes...
I would really like to build walls of my houses outside the invisible property line (two squares inside the lot). How would I be able to build right up to the lot boundary?
Like I said, someone knows how to do this here. I hope you can me out.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Resetting a Lot
on: September 13, 2010, 11:15:02 am
I had a police station on a community lot for awhile now. I just recently placed this lot in a new neighborhood and tried to reset the zone. I went in and typed in "changelotzoning residential", saved, and then exited to the neighborhood. It switched over like it should, but then when I added a family, I got a weird result. No family was to be found and the "Sim" option button found in the menu was gray ~ just like it is in the community when you enter them. I ended up just moving them out and creating a whole new lot. This has happened a couple of times I've tried this.
I entered the right command. Is it, possibly, that when you have a lot as a community for a very long time, it gets stuck that way? It shouldn't be that, but just thought I'd ask. Any suggestions on why this happened?
Simmers' Paradise / Mods & Careers / Adult Street Gang Career
on: August 30, 2010, 11:12:24 am
It kind of frustrates me that while building my Crimeville 'hood, I cannot find any adult street gang careers ~ only street gang careers for teens!
I know there's a Drug Dealer career out there ~ that's not what I'm asking for, by the way (although I do have that one bookmarked).
If someone could help me out and create an adult gang career, that would be greatly appreciated. You could start them out as a bagman and work them through the ranks (whatever they may be like soldier, initiator, overseer, 2nd in command etc.) to becoming the head honcho. I'm not real picky about ranks, or the names of them (in fact, in my example, I have a few redundant names for ranks ~ hence, that was why it was just an example). I leave that to the creator, unless someone would like me to specify. But I am flexible and would kind of like the surprise.
I hope someone can help me. If someone has heard of an adult version of this career, however, please let me know where to find it. And of course, if it's on an adult site, PM me with the link.
The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / Sims Medieval: Arrival date March 2011
on: August 30, 2010, 10:19:24 am
Hm... not real sure where to post this. Is it Sims 2? It's Sims related... For awhile now, and as I've mentioned briefly in other posts, I have been toying with the idea of creating a medieval themed 'hood. I have searched for CC, including transportation and terrains that will help with the theme. However, I really do not wish to change ALL my 'hoods, because every 'hood has a different theme and I like it that way. I was recently checking out Amazon for the next Sims 2 EP when I happened to stumble onto "Sims Medieval"! It looks pretty cool! It gives you quests and you can build your kingdoms and play out a whole different theme Sim-style without changing your other 'hoods in the process. My only complaint is the look of the Sims (they look like the Sims from "3" ~ no offense to those of you who play the game). But that's a small price to pay to not look into the actual gameplay, I think. It's a great way for me to play Sims medeival style without having to add / remove terrains and transportation every time I go in to play a 'hood. My question was ~ has anyone else discovered this or have done some research on this game? I can find very little as of now, which might be on purpose to promote public interest. My added on question was ~ "I would like to know if this game is like "Age of Empires", where once you finish the quests, your game is over, or if you can create kingdoms and no matter how many quests you finish, if you can just keep playing (like normal Sims games)?" I just answered it through another website link: Yes, it is like "Age of Empires". However, I'm hoping it's different. I hope the games are ended after the quests / kingdoms ambitions are fulfilled and not ended on a timer. Maybe I can lengthen the amount of time spent on each game. This doesn't change my interest in buying it. It just opens up the possibility of adding medieval CC to my original Sims 2 game and then pulling it out again when I want to play another 'hood (which is what I was hoping to avoid). To any of you who are also interested in this new game, here's a link: little info, but interesting)If you don't have any new info, any thoughts to this game? Would you look into buying this for yourself? Administration: Did I place this post in the right spot? I have no idea where else it would go...
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / 'Tis the Season for Memory
on: August 23, 2010, 08:35:08 am
I have a friend who owns Seasons. She only plays with spring, summer, and fall, and then skips winter, going back to spring. She says that you have to have an incredible amount of memory to be able to play winter, especially if it snows a lot. Is this true? I was just curious, because I really would like to get Seasons, still, and would just like to be prepared.