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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / NoukieSims Lolita alpha edited on: April 17, 2008, 02:30:27 pm
First off let me give credit where it is due. I took ZombieJills bangs and stuck them on a lolita mesh of Nouks then I alpha edited the falls to make them shorter. Thanks to both those creators because without them this edit would not have been possible. Both of them know of my edit and have given me the okay to upload.

This of course is my signature recolor. I started off being known for my pink blonde combos. So I had to do one for this edit.

I made this set to have a distinctive arrow that the colors make. I thought it gave it more of an edge.

These are for those days when your simmies want to be more subdue. These are binned. Even the alternatives are in their main color bin.

Please feel free to recolor these or alpha them some more.

What is included:
Mesh and all colors shown!
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Walls, Floors & Murals / Country walls on: February 27, 2008, 01:36:17 pm
I made some more country style walls. These are interior and they have matching floors. You can find the set under wallpaper and wood floor icons in the game.

Enjoy! More walls I am sure are soon to come.
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Walls, Floors & Murals / barn & country wall set on: February 26, 2008, 08:07:46 pm
The Barn Set has two doors and a wall in each color set. I was just lazy and decided to take a picture of only one of each color. Smiley

^each barnset looks like this in all the different colors (I forgot to photograph the pink one)  Oh well. It is included too. Also the pink sets are in the 8 dollar section and the rest are in the 1 dollar section of the walls area and they can be found under siding.

Each set is labeled and you can keep or delete any color you do not want to add to your game. Enjoy!
4  Simmers' Paradise / Tutorials / How to make a Barn (roofline) on: February 23, 2008, 08:01:07 pm
First off let me thank Romy for showing me how to do this.

Here is the link for my new tutorial which is how I made this roof for this Barn.

You will need to know how to activate the cheat window in the sims2 by pressing ctrl+shift+c.
I hope this helps you to make lots of Barns.
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Andromida on: February 17, 2008, 12:46:51 am

Custom Content Included:

I made this for GG as she showed me how to make these awesome frames to go around my photos.

I hope all of you enjoy her. She is sweet at times but then has a scary side to her as well. So whoever you pair her up with make sure he is the right type of sim to be able to handle her.  Wink
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Peggy 03107 (fixed by me) free mesh on: February 13, 2008, 08:13:35 am

I fixed the neckline/hairline so that no scalp is showing. I also did some fab colors if I don't say so myself. Plus I made her wrap done in real virtual leather. Smiley You can get the mesh as it is a free mesh. Yes I said I know most the time I like to recolor pay items. is binned and ready for your game to enjoy.

Get mesh here:
It is the last one down at the bottom of the page.

This is all part of an update to my site (see thumbnail of my recent update) Of course on my site I am aloud to include meshes as it is my site. So you can either go to peggyzone or download the whole package from my site. Link to my site is in red letters below in my signature.

Hugs and Happy Valentines Day.
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / All New Mesh (replaces peggys messed up mesh) on: February 02, 2008, 04:48:11 pm

This hair has 4 colors in 6 different versions of bows. Shown above are the bows as well and the no bow version. So there are a total of 24 hairs in the rar file including the new mesh that overwrites Peggy's. Smiley They are all labeled so just get rid of any version you do not care to load into your game. These are all binned as well. Also the grey hair is now grey and not purple.

Peggy's mesh was messed up badly in the childs version (see photos below) and I had a simmer pal of mine (drpf) fix it so this is a whole new mesh. This mesh will overwrite peggy's messed up mesh. So this will also fix her colors if you have them in your game already.

Here is the photos of the before messed up mesh of peggy's:

Here is drpf's mesh fixed:

You may reupload this to free sites only! You may edit this as well.

This is all part of an update to my site so come by and see the other items I udated on my website.
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Peggy edit new bangs on: January 22, 2008, 10:54:19 am

This is an edit I did for a contest at SIMular addiction called Sherry's Makeover. Since releasing the male version that would not be complete without the female version.

Sorry I cannot include the mesh to this but it is peggys mesh and can be found here:

You can also find the mesh and this whole file on my shady sims 2 site. See link below.

Everyone enjoy and yes I know this is a pay mesh so please no need to tell me that.

Also stop by SIMular Addiction to see the two new contests I am hosting and making prizes for and join in. Smiley
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Male Hair / Shady Sims conversion done by drpf on: January 22, 2008, 12:37:26 am
I asked drpf over at sims antics to covert this mesh and he did a wonderful job. I was the one to alter this peggy mesh originally but figuring out how to convert hair is over my head. Smiley

Anyway it turned out great and I took one photo of a non goth man to show how great this hair looks on all men. I will be uploading it to my site in a few days but wanted my friends on here and SIMilar addiction to have it first. I may upload it to GOS tonight too. Smiley

Enjoy and thanks drpf and HIM666 because without you this male hair would not be possible.  :hugs:

Everything is included (mesh and recolors)

Only free sites may upload this hair.

There is a female version on this mesh that will be uploaded to my site in a few days along with this male version.
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Peggy (pay mesh) 0038 alphaFix on: January 02, 2008, 01:43:20 pm
This is part of my newest update to my site (4 new hairs and 2 new models). See link to my site below in my signature.

In the photo below you will notice on the hairline right above the base of the neck a big area of scalp showing in peggys version and also the whisps of hair somehow growing out of the middle of her scalp. I took and lowered the hairline and took away the whisps and taadaa a much more pleasing look.

Now notice in this photo below the gap in the part of the hairline in peggys version compared to my alpha fixed version. The poor Simmy was going bald.:shock:

You will still need her pay mesh number 0038 found here:
peggy pay mesh 00444 (same mesh with new number now that it is peggyzone):hammer:
You may also be able to find a bootlegged copy of that mesh , if you have a hard time finding the mesh pm me. Smiley
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Floral Falls Streaked Recolors on: December 25, 2007, 11:06:46 pm

I was given permission from Lunar Eclipse to recolor this hair that I dearly love. You can find more Lunar Eclipse hairs and custom content here:
Lunar Eclipse Profile MTS2

What is included:
Everything! Mesh too!
(The model being used to model the hair is my Rita and is available for download off of my website.)

This is part of my update to my website. You can find 2 more hair recolors and a new pixie skintone set on my site. Please visit my site. See link below!

Hope Everyone had a Wonderful Holiday.
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Jimmy on: December 16, 2007, 10:30:21 am
This is Jimmy (named after my uncle that just passed away), he is part of my updates that I did on my site. See Shady Sims 2 link below to see the other updates.

Custom Content included (he is packaged with everything shown here in photo):

Enjoy! Happy Holidays to all of you and may it be a very safe holiday for all of you as well. You may use any of my creations to do what you want with them. All I ask is not to upload to paysites.
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Make Up / Nose Makeup/blush on: December 15, 2007, 08:40:18 pm

Close up of with Nose Makeup:

Close up of without Nose Makeup:

I love AnKieode's nose makeup Ankieode Nose Makeup but she did not have enough colors for me So I made 6 colors with her template. I made 1 that is for Alien/flower skintones too. Enjoy!

This is part of a huge update on my site of 4 models, 4 hair recolors, and then this nose makeup/blush. You will know the nose makeup in your game by the noses in the thumbnails. You can find them in makeup/blush w/ little nose thumbnails and labeled too for the color of the makeup.


Make sure you visit my site for all the other items I have updated. See Shady Sims 2 site link below.

Happy Holidays Everyone!! May it be safe and fun for everyone!
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Peggy 084 Recolors (alpha edited to remove clip) (pay mesh) on: December 07, 2007, 02:59:01 am
This is part of my huge update to my site :
Shady Sims 2
This is also alpha edited to remove the hair clip in the back. The hair comes binned as well.

You will need the mesh found on Peggysims 2 site peggy sims 2 or you can get it by going directly to my site and download it from there(see link above).
There are a total of 8 recolors included in the file.

15  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Cage Hair with a haircut (alpha edited(2 versions)) Shorter and Shortest on: November 30, 2007, 12:30:54 pm
This is part of my newest update to my website. See link below in my signature (Shady Sims 2) to go get my 4 new models and 3 new hairdo recolors newly uploaded to my website.

Not every color is shown.
There are 4 regular colors, 1 white, and 10 color combos. A total of 15 colors. As many colors as I made I kinda got tired of taking photos...Smiley With two versions and 15 colors I would have had to take 30 photos. Smiley

What is included:
Recolors/alpha edits only
You will need mesh found here:

All of you are welcome to recolor, cut and redo these hairs to your hearts content. Take my idea and run with it. Smiley
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