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Author Topic: Red De'Vill-update JAN 6th  (Read 40712 times)
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« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2007, 08:27:54 am »

Yes please this is the first story i have ever read and now you have given me such a high standard i don't know if anyone elses will be good
Rock Chick

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« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2007, 04:33:56 am »

Thanks for the lovely comments folks! I will definately do some more then. I am doing a fantasy story at the moment with some adult themes and once I am done with that I will return to Red x


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« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2007, 11:19:47 pm »

Sorry about your game meltdowns.  I love Red's story.  I definately would love you to continue his story.  I've kept checking from time to time too see if you've ever done any more to his story.

My Avatar is my cat Sheba - She died on June 22, 2007 from cancer.  She was 14 years old.  I really miss her - she was loved very much.

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« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2007, 11:44:37 am »

Neen ,I do hope you continue your lovely story somehow. I'm so in love with Red!!! He is adorable!!!

I used to be Nyxie

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« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2007, 11:33:21 pm »

WHAT!!! I just read stumbled across this story now and come to the last post and that's it!!! You can't do this!! I was enjoying this story! Bloody hell lol. I really liked your take on a male point of veiw. I actually started a story around 4 months ago which is still in pregress and the beginning of this reminded me a lot of my own writing style, although yours was a lot funnier Smiley I've lost my touch...anyways i hope you continue this because i was really liking it, plus i want someone to stick it to the b*tch bio-mother Cheesy

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« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2007, 11:19:19 pm »

more more!

Sims Addict
Pandora Moon

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« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2007, 07:42:00 am »

I've just come across this story and I think it's brillant. I'm sorry that you lost ths family though. If you want to still write about them then please do so.

See ya.

When the world doesn't adapt to you. you adapt to it.
Gill Grissom- Little Murder

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« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2007, 05:49:26 pm »

Wow, i've just come across it as well.  It's such a great story, and I was hooked from the beginning.  Please continue!
Rock Chick

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« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2007, 07:55:33 pm »

Note from me first Smiley
Well after umpteen meltdowns and a total PC change, I think *touch wood* I have a stable enough system to pick this up again. As I lost a lot of stuff, eg all the supporting characters , lots etc lol I have moved the family on somewhat to help explain the changes in appearance etc.
Thanks to everyone who has read so far and been so enthusiastic about me continuing xx
Love Neen

A New Beginning

Red's own words

Me again *smile*
I hardly know where to start actually, life span us all round again to put it mildly. Kira passed away, happened so suddenly. That one night changed so much in all our lives.
She was out getting a few bits and pieces from the 24 hour supermarket, Annoushka had been off colour again so Kira was picking up some medicine from the pharmacy counter within the store.. long distance trucker fell asleep at the wheel and ..well...Kira's car was so was instant they said..the paramedics and
You know me , just broke my heart and got on with it anyway, two little tots and a terrific older daughter. I had to you know. Still, finally leaving Strangetown was hard, after all that time.. but Kiras ashes had been scattered at sea, her folks live near the coast. Once that was done we had no reason to stay any longer.
Hope the kids will like it here, specially my Ellie.. she's so grown up now, poor kid just assumed the role of guardian to her younger brother and sister...she's always been so wise for her much sorrow and responsibility for a young girl to experience you know, but she's been my rock that kid....I hope this new home will give her a chance to meet new mates and see a bit of life.

Ellie's words

It feels weird , this new place. I don't know what to make of it yet. I guess seeing snow in winter and being in a busier place will be interesting. Have so much to sort out, Rhys is such a pain...only really behaves himself when he's doing his music..Dad calls him a chip off the old block...pain in the arse more like! I do love him though..drives me mad but...anyway, Noosh (Annoushka) is pretty quiet still, her health should benefit from our new surroundings..course, Dad still pines for Kira..sometimes even I can't really believe she was taken away from us so suddenly like that..she was my only real mum...speaking of mothers...Jessica..yeah she went quiet after Kira's she was all set to take me away and then after the accident kind of slithered back under her rock. I think if she had dragged Dad to court over custody at that point I'd have shot her.

Rhy's Words

You would not believe the girls downtown, talk about spoilt for choice!!! Back in Strangetown it was pretty poor pickings...god...but here...I KNOW I'm gonna be just fine Smiley I mean , girls love a musician right?Huh? If Ellie can stop trying to be my bloody mother for five minutes...sheesh...there's someone who needs to let her hair down and get a life. She's so uptight, I don't think she's ever had a boyfriend even... and she wouldn't go to UNI...said she wanted to stay and help Dad with us...Dad was in a bad way for ages know, over Mum...
I don't remember much about her..little bits I spose , but I was still in nappies when she died. Hope she's allright , you know.. wherever her spirit is ..I spose its nice to think she's still around in some way.

Annoushka's Words

I like it so far, though Ellie and Dad have already dragged me down town and got me a load of winter clothes in case I get double pneumonia or something. I love the autumn colours though, I hope I can get to paint outside, some nice picturesque places here ..I feel really inspired. Course , with the amount of layers of clothing Dad insists I put on already here I am more likely to injure myself trying to move about in all the fleeces and scarves than I am to come down with a virus...I get fed up of Ellie and Dad worrying about I might keel over at any second...The doc says I am doing fine! I don't go off playing rugby every day for goodness sake... The worst that can happen to me at the moment is getting repetitive strain injury from using my paint brush too often...*sigh* Well thats how it's always been...Noosh is all weak and feeble....I know they are worried for me..but I rarely get heart problems these days...anyway... My main goal for this place..aside from to meet a nice boy or two..Strangetown boys were just bluuurgh....and fix Ellie up so she can quit following me around asking if I'm feeling allright...or have I had my medication yet....grrrr...gees I have so much medication I walk round rattling like a pair of flipping maracas ..anyway...I feel like this place is gonna be good for all of us Smiley

Rock Chick

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« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2007, 04:26:03 am »

So the De'Vills hit Pleasantview, luckily for them, the house was a snip...unlucky of course for the Pleasants, who'd sold cheap as a result of a particularly messy divorce...still it was perfect for Red and the kids. Good neighbourhood and busy, wealthy town. So many new doors could open here.
Red was editor of Guitar magazine, Ellie had quit her job as an office temp in Strangetown and was looking forward to a better career and the twins were looking forward to their new high school.

Red cleared the dishes from their first evening meal in the new house, looking out of the kitchen window at trees and nearby neighbours. They had finally made the break that place, aside from the kids and Kira, there had been little good for him there...but then the kids were amazing..and Kira.
Even after all the years that had passed since she died, the tears came freely. Someone so wonderful would never come along again.
He wiped his eyes before Ellie or the twins could see...Ellie had given up so much to help their little family...he was constantly amazed by her strength ...and sad for her missed opportunities.
Pleasantview was one of the host towns for that years 'Star Factor'..he'd entered Ellie for the auditions. Ellie had the most beautiful singing voice he'd heard in a long time. He'd tried to get her to show it off for ages now...Red just hoped she would go for would be so great to see her up there on stage..having the time of her life. If anyone deserved it , it was Ellie hands down.

*You allright Dad?" she asked. Red braced himself, "You know that show on TV...Star Factor"

Ellie grinned, "Oh god yeah, the one with all the crazy people auditioning...I can hardly watch some of it..totally cringeworthy!!!"
Red smiled, "um yeah thats the one love....I was might want to go for it this know you could breeze through it kiddo..."

Ellie gasped.."Oooohh noooooo way!!!! I couldn't possibly...for a start we have to go sort the furniture and redecorate, don't want the bad juju from the Pleasants hanging round us do we" she giggled...inside feeling wasn't the first time her Dad had mentioned some talent show or other...she had a good voice yes...but not the confidence..and how could she flit off and leave her family? They needed her.

"Well...I know what you're thinking...can't leave us poor sods to fend for ourselves..." Red smiled , he knew she'd always wanted to sing..really sing, as a career..her vocation.
Missing Uni was enough sacrifice, he didn't want Ellie to miss out on this too..besides, he had one of those strange gut instinct things going on, somehow this year he knew he had to push her.
Ellie searched her Dads face....."Oh my god......Dad what have you done"
"The auditions are next week...I think tuesday? dunno I can check...."
Ellie began to panic..."W week? god Dad I haven't sung for weeks....I won't be ready....I can't believe ...oh god I feel sick....."

"Do it do it" chanted Noosh from where she was happily painting at her easel..
"Shush you" retorted Ellie..she wanted to do it so badly...but there was that huge feeling of fear surging up at the same time...
"Nothing good ever happens Dad....not for us...they would laugh at me" she blurted.
Red chuckled, "That's not true kiddo...don't start talking like a numpty.."
"Drama queen" muttered Rhys.

Red sighed and patted his eldest daughters arm, "Just say the word and I can cancel...or don't forcing you sweeetheart"
He smiled and winked then disappeared into the sitting room.

"You know you wanna!" whispered Noosh turning to speak to Ellie directly.
"Yes...but...I can't..there's no point anyway...."
Noosh giggled, "HAH!!! you said YES!!!! KNEW IT!!"
Ellie rolled her eyes, "Obviously I would LIKE to..but it's not practical..I have to look for work..."
Red called in from the other room, "My salary will cover us fine love.. no rush to find anything for you"
", See?? No reason you can't" Winked Noosh

Ellie bit her lip..."Yes but I need to help you settle in to school , I need to drop you guys off everyday and..."
"There's a BUS Elle's Belles..."chipped in Rhys. Enjoying his older sisters floundering excuses immensely.
"Shut up Rhys" snapped Ellie.
"Come oh Ellie don't get like that" called Red, smiling..he knew she wanted to audition...all that deinal was the old De'Vill stubborn streak coming out in her just as it used to in him years ago.
"Do it for me then!!! " Noosh insisted...."I can come with you and schmooze with all the celebs"
Ellie chuckled "What makes you think I'm going to be anywhere near celebrities for goodness sake?..I won't even get past the first stage"

Noosh grinned, "Welllll...if you're chicken.....fine....great example to set eh...what did you always say to me? You and Dad? 'Do your art, enter contests...make the most of your talents' about double standards sis"
Ellie let out a huge sigh "Argh!! ALL RIGHT!!!! I'll do it for YOU lot...if it will shut you all up"
"Yeah thats right it for US" Noosh said cheekily, Red and Rhys grinned , Ellie failed to suppress a smile..." lot are a pain in the backside" she skipped off upstairs to avoid being seen beaming from ear to ear.


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« Reply #40 on: October 08, 2007, 08:25:12 pm »

im so happy Cheesy
keep on goin! its as great if not better than part 1!

Im looking for judges and prize donations for my upcoming contest Killer Instinct: The search for the next Assassin.  If you're interested or have any questions, pm me Smiley
Life is just one giant freak show, so just buy a ticket and enjoy the ride...:happy8:
click here to check out my new series, Madhouse! it would be much appreciated Cheesy
Rock Chick

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« Reply #41 on: October 09, 2007, 07:51:59 am »

Thank you for reading Grey Dove xx Cross fingers I can finish it too eh Wink

Rock Chick

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« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2007, 09:25:08 am »

Meet the Neighbours
Ellie was out wandering around their new garden looking at the leaves tumbling slowly down from the trees…what a difference from the desert of Strangetown.
She wandered round the front to check the mailbox and was greeted by a friendly voice.
“Hi! Saw you moving in the other day”

A girl around the same age as her in a trendy outfit was standing smiling at her.
“Oh hey, yeah we moved here from Strangetown, just getting used to the rain and all that” Ellie replied.
“I’m Sam anyway,” the girl walked up to stand beside Ellie, still all smiles
“My lot live just over the road”
Sam gestured to a small white house nearby.
“Good to meet you Sam, I’m Ellie”

Sam explained that she and her siblings were adopted but their adoptive mother had recently passed away, their adoptive Dad having died a few years before.
“They’d always fostered kids, didn’t have any of their own…my elder sis is kind of Mum now…she’s in her late thirties. My brother and sister are 17 and 16...pain in the butts, he he” Sam went on grinning; she was very animated and seemed pretty outgoing. But definitely a nice person, Ellie had withdrawn so much since Kira’s accident, even drifting apart from her childhood best friend Teresa, it would be nice to make a friend.
Ellie instantly liked Sam; it was one of those things. Perhaps she was drawn to her bubbly nature…Sam was full of fun; it was easy to see that. Fun was something that had been in short supply for Ellie and her family.

“So do you fancy going to town and doing a bit of shopping tomorrow? There’s some nice places in the city centre for clothes…I’m like charity shop diva, I love finding odd bits…hope you don’t mind that…but yeah some good boutiques if you prefer new stuff” Sam gushed excitedly, from her account so far of her own family , Ellie could tell there had been some tough times for Sam too..
“I’m not really in touch with what’s in fashion” admitted Ellie truthfully, “I have to find something for the Star Factor audition though…I only have work clothes and frumpy housework clothes…I have no clue what to wear”

Sam’s eyes glittered…” OH……..MY….GAAAWWWWD!!!!!...You are going for that??? That’s amazing!!! Can you sing then?? Well yeah probably…D’oh stupid me….your Dad’s a musical type isn’t he? We saw the Piano and guitars getting unloaded .so I suppose you would be…Oh my god…..can I help you choose….I reckon blue ..I dunno why”
Ellie chuckled at the enthusiasm “Oh right …yeah blue sounds fine ..hehe…why don’t you enter?”

Sam guffawed loudly “Yeah I sing and have the RSPCA turn up thinking it was a distressed goat or something. I’ll just be your stylist …ha ha, I would love to come give you moral support though…I can give that nasty judge Steve a load of grief if they don’t put you through” her eyes had a definite glint of mischief.

Later on Red went to get the evening paper..Light rain fell on his face. The autumn breeze felt clean and refreshing. He didn’t miss the arid desert air that was for sure. A woman was standing staring at him from the pavement outside the gate. She blushed when he caught her eye..”Hello there” he said..the woman walked up to greet him.

“Hi…um..welcome ..I mean. I’m Molly Evans…I er live over there” Molly pointed across at the white house opposite them.
“Hi and thanks yeah…seems a nice area” replied Red smiling. He could see her hands trembling a little bit.

Molly was kicking herself for wandering over in her gardening clothes…couldn’t have been much more unflattering if they tried…her hair needed washing…no make up…and this gorgeous hunk was smiling at her at point blank range…she just prayed the bone meal fertiliser she had used around the roses wasn’t still reeking after it had spattered over her trousers earlier.

“I am not normally like this” she blurted…” I was gardening…um…if I’d realised…”
Red grinned as the rather flustered Molly just managed to stop herself saying something she would definitely regret. It was kind of cute.
“Realised what?” he asked

Molly changed the subject, “so yes, um my sister Sam has met your daughter…….I haven’t seen your partner….”
Red smiled sadly, “ She passed away a long time ago…..”
Molly flushed red to the roots “God I am so sorry…I always put my foot right in it…my Mum passed away about 6 months ago…she’d been ill for a long time…um….god sorry…”
Molly looked like she was going to cry.

Red smiled encouragingly, “Sorry for your loss…hard to lose someone close….”
“Yes, I um…I go to a bereavement help group sometimes…nice when you don’t have anyone to talk to about that sort of stuff “,
Red nodded, “Well, I guess we could chat…If you know.”
Molly smiled at last, she had a sweet smile. Red had noticed her eyes too…it had been a while since he’d noticed anything like that about a woman.



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« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2007, 09:04:13 pm »

love it!

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« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2007, 03:27:17 pm »

ooh im hooked!

LAX is whats up.
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