Okay, so here's my fugly(I tried to make her prettier by giving her nice eyes and hair and shizz... but I failed)

Her name is Birdy. And here's a side shot, just so you know what we're dealing with.

She married the gardener guy. And I learned that she's WICKED CREEPY when she sleeps.
So, I started to use maxmotives for her lot.

So, she had twins. Here's a picture of one of them.

Their names are Puppy,

and Kitty.

Since there was no hope for Puppy, I grew Kitty into a teen.

Since he was still pretty good(except for those horrible, horrible eyebrows), I had him marry the newspaper girl.
Here's their baby, Froggy.

She's cute, but we're learned that all of them start cute.

Okay, so I guess she remained cute. That was short.
Maybe I'll try to get the fug out of Puppy.
Oh, and here's a picture of Puppy beating up her doll. I think she was jealous of it's beauty.