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**The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
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Topic: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six (Read 105891 times)
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**The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #180 on:
November 01, 2008, 06:30:38 pm »
I think that kaitco is pretty much gone at this point. So this story is over unless someone else wants to continue it.
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**The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #181 on:
November 09, 2008, 05:54:24 pm »
RRRGH! Kaitco needs to wake herself/himself up already! Where does Kaitco live? We'll hunt them down and DEMAND an update!
Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?
by Evanescence
Stelio Kontos
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**The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #182 on:
November 10, 2008, 04:11:40 pm »
Quote from: kstradleigh;1450421
RRRGH! Kaitco needs to wake herself/himself up already! Where does Kaitco live? We'll hunt them down and DEMAND an update!
I know, but I've been sworn to secrecy, lest little demons torture me with the -1 Level of Super Mario Brothers.
Posts: 7
**The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #183 on:
November 24, 2008, 02:36:39 pm »
this is my story about lilith
Lilith and Angela Pleasant had just turbed 16. Angela was happy spoilt and clevr. Lilith was phisically and emotionally scared, alone, and had attempted suicide many times, bu at last the pair had settled their differences and were best of friend. i wish i could say the samr about daniel and mary sue, the twins parents. daniel had been caught having an affair with the maid and now mary sue was anorexiec, sick and continuously in and out of hospital.
lilith, one day was walking in the park when her boyfriend dork dreamer approached her, and told her to sit down...
that night running into her house lilith screamed at her mom "guess what". mary sues answer was "WHAT" lilith smiled, for the first time ever and said "he propesed IM ENGAGED TO DIRK DREAMER!!" her sister ran in and said "mom..... i am too!" the sisters started talking about a double wedding. 3 years later and lilith had 3 children, 2 daughters, Lila and Solo and a son Rai. the twins had had the double wedding they wanted, but angela was concerntrating on trying to get to uni.
then one day everyone turned against lilith. she ran into the road and died later in hospital. her family knew they were to blame but wouldnt admit it.EVER. except angela.
she studied hard, and after graduating from uni, reached the top of the paranormal career. her reward was the ressurect-a-nomitron and she used it. her twin was alive and then as if by magic turned to the age she should have been made up with every one and said to her family"dont try suicide being dead sucks"
she still lives on to this da
i know its a bit cheesy but still... its cool
u fink u got away wiv dat? stop it ur pissin a twisted emo off
Posts: 7
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #184 on:
December 27, 2008, 12:13:52 pm »
does ani 1 like it soz bout typos errr...... can sum 1 post after me??? PLZ
u fink u got away wiv dat? stop it ur pissin a twisted emo off
Posts: 505
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #185 on:
December 27, 2008, 10:59:47 pm »
Lila I think this was a very popular story. People liked the way kaitco told it why don't you start your own interpretation on a new thread with pictures and maybe go over your text and clean it up a bit?
Maybe you will get more response that way? It's really hard to do a story like kaitco was doing with detail and engaging readers with your characters not to mention pictures that look good. I myself have started many stories and lost the will to continue them.
Coptic Text
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?"
You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source."
Posts: 43
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #186 on:
December 28, 2008, 04:02:58 pm »
I am not sure when it will happen, but I DO plan on updating this story. I am just in the midst of writing a "real" novel right now as well as working on several other projects at the same time. I love The Sims and storytelling in general, but I have priorities and, unfortunately, this story comes very low on a long list. This story is also double the effort because, like vickylougrl said, it is the story AND the pictures; both have to be presentable for me to be willing to publish them.
I had wanted to begin working on it again in October, but got a little dismayed because I realized that I was not going to meet my personal deadline for my "real" book and because a couple of comments and PMs I had received about this. To be honest, a couple people said some things that really ticked me off and that has a way of putting a little damper on any creative thoughts about a story I am writing simply because I enjoy characterization.
I know it has been months and months, but I WILL get back to this story. Right now, I want to polish the remaining story because the upcoming plot line changes direction quite a bit and I want to do something more with my images. I cannot promise a date at this point, but the story will get updated eventually. That's all I can say for now...
~ where life finds meaning...or at least, that is what I claim
~..::** The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant **::..~
Posts: 319
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #187 on:
December 28, 2008, 04:23:57 pm »
Don't worry about it kaitco. Just get your novel finished. This story can wait. Hope you find time to
update it soon!
Maybe you could log on once in a blue moon and tell us how you're doing with your novel!
Sim Randomness, Cookies, Hot Tubs, and The Baby Sim God
Astral Faery
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Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #188 on:
December 28, 2008, 05:09:12 pm »
Congratulations! A real novel is awesome! I wish you lots of luck with that.
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Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #189 on:
December 28, 2008, 05:38:56 pm »
I'll admit that I have been anxious to see an update on this story. Your writing is excellent though, so it's great that you're working on a real novel!
"Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up.... and handle it.”
Posts: 505
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #190 on:
December 29, 2008, 06:20:26 pm »
kudos to kaitco for responding to this thread I know a lot of maybe your younger readers got impatient. Congrats on your book and you obviously have a talent so I hope we will see a cover and a link once it's published because you have many fans here!
Coptic Text
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?"
You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source."
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Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #191 on:
January 10, 2009, 06:17:03 pm »
Quote from: Lila1212 on December 27, 2008, 12:13:52 pm
does ani 1 like it soz bout typos errr...... can sum 1 post after me??? PLZ
I like the line "Don't try suicide,being dead sucks."Although I'm an emo,I've never attempted suicide because I'm scared of what would happen afterwards.
"Hold me,
Like you held onto life,
When all fears came alive and entombed me.
Love me,
Like you love the sun,
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart." - Vampire Heart,H.I.M.
Posts: 43
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #192 on:
January 14, 2009, 12:12:21 am »
Quote from: vickylougrl on December 29, 2008, 06:20:26 pm
Congrats on your book and you obviously have a talent so I hope we will see a cover and a link once it's published because you have many fans here!
Thanks for understanding everyone! I will try to mark some time to work on this story whenever I take breaks from the novel and, if it gets published, I will definitely let you all know!
~ where life finds meaning...or at least, that is what I claim
~..::** The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant **::..~
Posts: 32
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #193 on:
January 18, 2009, 05:20:01 pm »
good to know this will get worked on. I have to admit pat of me wants to know what happens.
Some parts of it I don't like, but it's because I'm too attached to Lilith. So that's my fault, not yours. And the title is the "Tragedy of" meaning it probably isn't going to end in happy puppies kittens sun shine rainbows so quickly, and there's a good chance the ending won't be happy for Lilith at all. I mean call me a nut, but if you want a happy ending for Lilith, don't read something called the Tragedy of Lilith. Maybe I'm just weird. I do think some parts are a little over board on how bad things were for Lilith, but it's a story. I've read novels that had kids put through worse, and those were based on real life, just a few names changed. I guess all and all I do like it, and I do want to see what happens, it's just not like my top favorite thing of like all time. I hope that doesn't sounds offensive, because it shouldn't.
I really do like how you went back so far though. I guess we'll see what happens next when you write it.
Personally, I've always liked Lilith over Angela, because Lilith got ignored, while Angela got all the attention. That's typically the case when parent/s favor a child, the favored one gets more attention, and is prefect and doesn't get punished as much. I wasn't the favored one, so I know what that's like. I'm not a twin or anything, but that doesn't mean all 5 of us got treated equally. Anyway, I'll probably stumble in here again when you update the story. gl with things in rl.
Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 06:56:18 am by DemonOfSarila
Crazy and lovin it
Random thought = probably bad idea
Can't type to save me life, so expect me to edit everything.
EDIT: my life. ug.... watch me go.
Posts: 17
Re: **The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant** ~ Updated 6/12 - Chapter Two: Part Six
Reply #194 on:
January 19, 2009, 10:23:41 pm »
Good to hear that you are working on a "real" novel, but I am wondering WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UPDAAATE? It's been seven months since the last update and I'm re-reading the chapters over and over again!
Now, I realize that writing a novel needs the utmost concentration and effort put into it, as I myself am a writer, but I've chewed up all my nails and I'm starting on my flesh now!
Good luck on your book, Kaitco, and good luck updating The Tragedy of Lilith B. Pleasant!
Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?
by Evanescence
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