Dear Diary,
I had such a wonderful sleep. It was the best sleep I have had for years. My boy is home and I have a beautiful grandson.....Caleb woke up late this morning so he didnt get chance to see Dylan and the twins, I havent told Dylan that Caleb is home, Mia was asleep in the taxi so I dont even know if she knows Caleb is even here! I cant wait til Dylan comes home from school and sees Caleb...
Laura x
Dear Diary,
Me, Kyle and Caleb sat down and this is what Caleb has told us....
I remember the day that Tony came to get me from school he said...
"Hi Caleb I'm your dad, I've come to get you today and bring you home"
I walked off with him, he didnt even hold my hand at the roads, it was so strange....
When I got home he sat next to me on the sofa, he said...
"Caleb, your mummy and Dylan were in an accident this afternoon, they died."
"No...." I started to cry, it hurt so much...
"Caleb Kyle doesnt want you, so you are going to live with me"

I just sat there, I cried and cried but Tony must have got fed up with me.
"Go to your room now, I will call you at dinnertime"
I went and sat in my room, all I had was a bed and a toy. I played with my toy for hours...Tony must have forgotten dinner and me, because he didnt come and get me until breakfast the next morning...

All Tony ever did was sit infront of the tv and get drunk. I hated him, I wanted to punch him....I was grieving for my dead mum and brother and he just ignored me...

I had such a miserable childhood but then when I turned 14 thinggs got better....I started going out with a lovely girl, she was 17 and so pretty. I couldnt believe she would fancy me...

We had only been together a few months when Whitney found out she was pregnant.....

I was scared and not ready to be a dad but i knew that I had to stand by Whitney....Tony didnt say anything to me about it, he never spoke to me really, unless he was sending me to the shop for beer and cigarettes.... Whitney moved in and we got everything ready, i got a part time job and then the day came...

I was so happy when Whitney had our son. I chose his name and I was so happy.
Bailey Dylan Smith

I loved my boy so much and I loved being a dad but Whitney became all quiet and she wouldnt even look at our son, I quit school so i could take care of Bailey...

Then one day when I was at work I snapped. My son was at home and I knew that Tony and Whitney wouldnt be looking after him so I quit, I walked out. When I got home I heard laughing in the bedroom.....
Tony and Whitney in bed together......

They werent even bothered about being caught. I flipped....
"You cow, how could you do that to me?"
"Your a boy Caleb, I needed a real man"
I turned to Tony
"I HATE you, I wish you would have died not mum, I hate you"
"Get the hell outta my house"
"Fine I will"
Whitney called me back to the room
"What?" I thought she was gonna apologise and tell me she loved me
"Take your son with you, I want nothing to do with either of you"

As I walked out I heard them laughing............I hated them so much....
I walked around town for days, stealing formula for Bailey and scraps of food for me....Then one day Bailey didnt look well, he was grissly and he kept crying and coughing...I knew I had to take him to the hospital so I rung an ambulance.........
Caleb burst out crying he stood up and nearly fell back down he was crying that hard, I stood up and pulled him into a hug
"Caleb is ok, your home now you never have to go back there again, everything will be ok i promise...

Caleb went upstairs and got showered and changed, Bailey was with Kyle playing games with the twins. Just then Dylan came bursting through the door....
"Hiya mum"
"Hi love, you ok?"
"Yeah fine"
"Dylan sit down sweetie, i have something to tell you"
"Um ok, is everything ok?"
"Yes fine but Dylan, I dont know how to put this..."
"What is is mum...."
"I bumped into Caleb last night when i took Mia to the hospital..."
"CALEB? My brother Caleb?"
"Yes, he has had a difficult time love, and he has a son"
"What?! he is 14! he has a child? Whats he called? How old is he?"
"He is called Bailey Dylan, and he is 7 months old"
"Wow, he named him Dylan?"
"Yes love"
"Where is Caleb?"
"He's upstairs"
"HERE? Oh wow"
With that Dylan went racing up the stairs shouting Calebs name.
"Hey bro" Caleb emerged from his bedroom
"I missed you"
"I missed you too bro"

"Whats happened?"
"Come sit down and i'll tell you..."
Caleb and Dylan sat in Calebs room for 2 hours talking about everything what had happened....

Laura x