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Author Topic: The Box Ending up Now!  (Read 44035 times)
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« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2006, 12:15:51 pm »

*eagerly awaits the next installment*

Crazy Town - home of my Sim stories & SC4 Terrains, Sims, hairy Skintones and some clothes & stuff.

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« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2006, 02:15:18 pm »

Lol, that was great! When snapping shots, try not to get the PlumbBob (the thing in my avatar) or those Relationship +/-'s in. It ruins the shot that you worked to so hard to get "just right". I'm following your story almost as closely as I am mine!


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« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2006, 02:33:19 pm »

Thanks simulated! I'm still new at this it's my first try at a real story I'm better with dialogue than pictures I know there is a cheat to get rid of the plumbob have to look it up I'm still adding to installment three it's not done yet.

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2006, 06:25:19 pm »

Do you use the in-game camera or take screenshots?

I take screenshots and I use YAFSScreen - it saves them as I take them, to a folder I chose

I feel I get better pictures, the in-game camera sucks and I found it didn't save half the pictures I took *takes alot of pictures* I then edit them in my graphics program and resize if needed.

the cheats
Plumbbobtoggle  [on/off]
showHeadlines [on/off]    (for all sims on lot)
Needed for moviemakers. Makes all thought balloons, speech balloons, and ++/-- type headlines hidden/visible.

I never use them :lol: I just copyed them from the read me for you.

Squinge has some fantastic hacks for movie makers/storytellers

Crazy Town - home of my Sim stories & SC4 Terrains, Sims, hairy Skintones and some clothes & stuff.

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« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2006, 08:07:35 pm »

thanks sleepy! I'm writing them down!  I'm going to that link you gave as well!  This being my first story I just wanted to see if I could do it at all I'm finding it's a lot of work I guess I'm more a writter than a director LOL!
Hopefully as I do this story I will get better for my next one!
Ok sleepy I just looked at that and I'm intimidated I'm not too savy with new programs I think I been lucky just to get photobucket to work
« Last Edit: October 14, 2006, 08:11:14 pm by starlucid » Logged

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2006, 09:09:09 pm »

I love this story! It's getting better still!

Another tip when taking pictures:
press 'tab' in game before you take your picture. Just move around with the arrow keys and mouse to position. Also get the angle right before you press tab becuase it's pretty near impossible to fix it while you're using tab. Your pictures will look about ten times better if you do it right! hope that helps!

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« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2006, 07:26:27 am »

thanks elven i been using tab feature but I definately need to work more on my photos i'm still learning!  I have a monster contest that is in round 2 now which will keep me busy as soon as i get that done i will put up the next installment.

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2006, 04:38:57 pm »

Next update please lol this is relly good

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2006, 10:22:43 pm »

Installment 4


Back at home Rosemary recovered quickly with Carmen and Maggy taking care of her.  Once she got back to work it was almost as if nothing had ever happened.

Ali had packaged the infamous box and stuck it in the safe he was convinced it had caused everything that had happened.  Rosemary was starting to think he might have a point especially since she was having nightmares where that box seemed to be the main attraction.

Rosemary:  Ali I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon can you handle things here?
Ali:  Yeah no problem I'll call you later then and let you know if those antiques have arrived.
Rosemary:  Ok good I'm going straight home because this office is on the other side of town and I don't want to fight traffic coming back here.
Ali:  No problem I will stay until the truck gets here.
Rosemary:  Ali you're the best see you tommorow then!

She had rescheduled this appointment with Dr. Mendoza already once and today felt a little uneasy she had basically tried to put this whole incident behind her and now a month later she was going have to open that wound again.  She decided if this involved putting her on pills and talking about mother she was not going to go bother with another visit.  
Dr. Mendoza:  Miss Woodhouse it's very nice to meet you!  I'm Dr. Luis Mendoza.  I have been briefed by Dr. Roberts regarding what happened to you and I want to be able to help perhaps recover your memory safely through the use of hypnosis if you are open to that.
Rosemary:  Honestly Doctor I have been trying to forget this all happened and that has been working for me.
Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary as long as you don't face what happened to you these traumatic events could begin to return at any time and cause you psychological damage if you are unprepared to deal with them.
Dr. Mendoza:  Not to mention there is a rapist out there that could hurt someone else if he is not apprehended.

Dr. Mendoza:  Are you willing to try to unlock these memories for your own well being and that of other's Miss Woodhouse?
Rosemary:  I had never thought about other possible victims....yes of course if you think you can help me remember I suppose it's worth a shot.
Dr. Mendoza:  I am very happy to hear you say that Miss Woodhouse! May I call you Rosemary?  and of course you will call me Luis?
Rosemary:  Yes of course.
Dr. Mendoza:  Good!  Today I want to start with some simple hypnosis exercises to see how you respond to hypnotic suggestion.  I plan on taking you only to the moment your attack occurred to see what you actually do recall.
Dr. Mendoza was able to get Rosemary to relax and respond to his hypnotic suggestions he used a small lit pyramid to guide her into a hypnotic state.
He also used his voice which was very soft and persuasive to guide her gently...
Dr. Mendoza: you hear me clearly?
Rosemary:  yes...
Dr. Mendoza:  good I want you to now go back to the events of the day of your attack....I want you to tell what you are doing and seeing OK?

Rosemary:  I am examining the dybbuk box...
Dr. Mendoza:  What do you see on the dybbuk box?
Rosemary:  there are pictures of angels with black wings...they are ravishing young women in all sorts of lurid positions....
Dr. Mendoza:  What are doing now?
Rosemary:  I am opening the box OOOHH Noooo!

Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary you are safe what is happening now?
Rosemary:  Something black came out of it and has gone behind me.
Dr. Mendoza:  What is the black thing that has come out of the box Rosemary?
Rosemary:  I don't know it was like a large shadow it's behind me now it's large and it's breathing on the back of my neck!
Rosemary began to panick at this point and hyperventilate.
Dr. Mendoza: Rosemary slow down your breathing remember you are safe..What is happening now?
Rosemary:  I am leaving my home it is carrying me away in the sky....
Dr. Mendoza:  What do you see now Rosemary?
Rosemary:  I see the ghost of Elizabeth Merrell it is warning me to be carefull!

Dr.Mendoza:  What else Rosemary is happening?
Rosemary:  I am walking up a staircase..

Rosemary:  I am on a bed with this dark thing it is making love to me.

Rosemary:  I can't see his face!  He has black wings OMG! What is this? This is not a dream it's really happening! Rosemary began to panic and thrust about.  She tried desperately to see the face of the creature on top of her but it was unclear

Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary I want you to leave that place and come back to me here to the present in my office you will feel no fear or anxiety you will remember what you have told me but you will not feel any anxiety relating to it understood?
Rosemary:  yes..
Dr. Mendoza:  When I count to three you will awaken refreshed and feeling better than you have in a long time...One.....two.....three!  Wake up Rosemary!
Rosemary awoke to Dr. Mendoza studying her face curiously....she felt ok and somewhat puzzled of what she had told the doctor she wondered if this was just part of her nightmare that become ingrained into her experience.
Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary you did very well today I would like to see you again to see if we can make some sense of what recalled today.
Rosemary:  Ok Dr. Luis
Dr. Mendoza:  Go ahead and set up an appointment with my secretary for next week and I will see you then.

Rosemary arrived home feeling completely perplexed her hypnosis session left more questions than answers perhaps she had dreamt the whole thing?  It felt very dream like.
She decided she would give Dr. Mendoza a chance to try to unlock her memory after all there was a rapist still out there and she was a little afraid he would come back.
When she arrived home Carmen was waiting for her at the door.

Carmen:  Oh Missy finally you are home!  Ali is calling every five minutes he drive me crazy he haft to talk with ju!
Rosemary:  Ok I'll call him right away probably there is a problem with the antiques shipment ugh!

Rosemary:  Ali?  What's going on?
Ali:  Oh man! I been trying to reach you for hours did you forget your cell phone?
Rosemary:  Yes I left it at home totally forgot it today.
Ali:  Ok are you sitting down?
Rosemary:  Enough with the drama Ali what's going on?
Ali:  Right after you left the FBI showed up here with a court order they wanted that devil box Rosemary!
Rosemary:  What?
Ali:  Yes they had other Military people with them from NSA the court order says that it was a matter of national security!
Rosemary:  Ali thats insane!  
Ali:  Yeah I know!  At any rate that evil box is gone now I and say good riddance!
Rosemary:  You know what Ali?  Me too!
Rosemary had enough of that box to last her a lifetime if the Military thought it was important or wanted that was fine by her she was way over that damn box!
She suddenly had a thought....she had forgotten all about Elizabeth Merrell's log of the box....she had put it in her desk it was high time to sit down and really read how this bad mojo had made it to Pleasantville and really did start when Elizabeth Merrell brought it here.

Just when she layed down to start reading she had an overwhelming urge to vomit.  It came in a violent wave she held her stomach then she did get sick...Carmen was cooking something that smelled vile....

ugh!...porkchops....usually she loved Carmens porkchops but they smelled so bad....maybe the meat was bad she would tell her to throw them out.

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2006, 01:11:39 pm »

your on a roll now great looks as if rosemary is preggers by her unknown attacker,nice twist

i'm an insim addict
welcome back kathy and eric we missed you

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« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2006, 01:28:38 pm »


If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2006, 04:54:20 pm »


Fantastic update I look forward to more!!! Smiley

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2006, 01:19:04 am »

ooooh.. Suspense, curses, drama! it's too much! xD I love it! your pictures are getting really good too! A huge imrpvement from last time, keep up the awesome work! ^^

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« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2006, 07:15:05 am »

Thanks Elven and Oddball for the encouragement I think I'm getting a little better! LOL!  I finally finished some stuff for some hard contests whew!  So I downloaded a few things for this story I'm ready to get to work on Installment five it will be up as soon as it's ready!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2006, 03:49:07 pm »

INSTALLMENT FIVE a undisclosed Military base......

Colonel Beal:  Captain Hall I will personally be briefing you today on your assignment.
You will be meeting other operatives and working closely with them. Here is an outline of your mission before I begin your briefing I want you to understand this mission is Above Top Secret and involves intelligence maneuvers that normally are frowned upon in today's military.  If you fail this mission in anyway you will find yourself court-martialed and in Levenworth for a period of time unimaginable you see where I'm getting at soldier?

Captain Hall:  Yes Sir!
Colonel Beal:  Good......come meet the rest of the team..

Colonel Beal:  This is Major Luis Mendoza,

Major Patricia Jones,

Major Ben Roberts.

Colonel Beal:  Have a seat Captain..
Colonel Beal:  You may wonder why an Obstetrician has been recruited into an intelligence mission Captain have you wondered that?
Captain Hall:  Yes Sir I have.
Colonel Beal:  Well Captain as you know our Military has been involved with strategic areas of the Middle East we have seen ourselves having to rebuild ancient cities from scratch.  
One of those locations are in the Uzbekistan region the province of Bukhara.

 Our men while scouring that mountainous region in search of Alquaida rebels made an amazing discovery they found in the frozen ice caps an extremely well preserved body of an ancient man.

Colonel Beal:  This ancient man had recoverable and viable dna.  At this point I would like Major Roberts to continue with his portion of your briefing...Major Roberts?...

Major Roberts:  Yes...well my expertise in this mission involves biogenetic engineering....The recovered frozen specimen which we have code named Gilgamesh has extraodinary qualities....within his DNA are all of our own genome but his own DNA contains unique properties we have never seen on any other earth being......His muscle mass is astounding!  His brain capacity much more advanced than our own brains the equivalent to three of our most advanced artificial intelligence computers wrapped into one brain....

Major Roberts:  Our intent is to clone the cells from our Gilgamesh specimen and produce a viable clone the implications within a military standpoint are well ominous to produce a team of these beings is our ultimate goal.
We have been sucessfull in cloning the specimen but have had  no sucess in a viable pregnancy we believe due to a blood incompatibility volunteer female soldiers in our project have all spontaneously aborted our clones.
We determined that a woman with a blood mutation specific to  people of Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Southern Asian and African ancestry
would correct the spontaneous abortion issue.  A blood disorder called  Thalassemia occurs most frequently in people of Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Southern Asian and African ancestry. The female would also have to be RH Negative blood type.... Unfortunately we could find no such female soldier that would fit this profile.
Colonel Beal:  We tapped into the national blood bank database and found locally one such woman of reproductive age who had the criteria we needed.
Here is a photograph of the woman...

Colonel Beal: In the name of National Security we have been authorized to commandeer a civilian into this project to insure it's sucess.  Failure is not an option in this mission as no expense from the very top has been spared.   This woman is now part of Project Gilgamesh we have already implanted the specimen in her and we should know shortly if it has been a sucess.
Colonel Beal:  Now I would like you to meet the head of this project Lieutenant General Elizabeth Merrell...

Lieutenant General Merrell:  At ease gentlemen we have much work to do and very little time....

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..
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