I thought I would try my hand at a Legacy story. To my faitful readers of 'Between the Light and the Darkness' - don't worry, I'm still working on chapter 14. But it is a time intensive story, and takes a lot of work.
This legacy will be giving me a little bit of a break - light hearted and written around pictures that I've already taken while just enjoying playing the game. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 1
Hi. I'm Elwyn Avalon. It's an Elven name, and yes, I'm an elf. Why am I starting a Legacy? Well, for years I've craved knowledge about the human world. These curious creatures were most intriguing to me. My people didn't like it, and, well, sort of kicked me out because of my obssession. So, now I live in the human world.

This is home. Not much, huh? The Elven government could have kicked me out with just the clothes on my back, but they were kind enough to purchase a decent sized piece of land. That tree is part of my Legacy, and when I die, I wish to be buried next to it. Where's my house? Um...I don't have one, yet, but I will!

No no no!! Not my tree! Who would've thought it would rain on my first day? And lightening has struck my treeeee!

Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! I know the answer!

A representative from the local garden club stopped by. Her name is Allyn Thompson. I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. But, er, I have no money to start a garden. I only have $17 left, and I'll need to feed my cat, Pyrus, tomorrow.

Didn't you hear me, lady? I don't want a garden! I don't even have a house or a toilet - and you want me to start a garden?!

You really know how to insult someone, don't you? Right now I feel this small!

I thumb your nose! Ha ha ha!

Allyn: You'll pay for that, little elf boy!
Yeah, whatever. What are you going to do about it?

Allyn: What am I going to do about it? This!

Bam! Kapow! Crunch! Oof! Zowie! Kablam! Kablooey!

I can't believe Allyn kicked my ass. And NO, I'm not going to show you a picture of her defeating me! I'm humiliated enough!

NOOO! Not again! Not twice in one day! This can't be happening!

My tree...my tree...heeeee

Allyn: That was fun. Wanna dance again?

Well, hello doctor. Did you call me a cab? I called it myself? I don't remember that.

The cab took me down to the spa, where I can finally get a hot shower and something to eat. I burned the hot dogs.

Sigh. Can this day get any worse?

Poor Pyrus. He's hungry, too.

Aah! What the heck is the matter with your neck?

You are so not a part of this legacy. Not with that backwards head thing you have going on there.

What the? Who the heck is that? Why is she spying on me in the shower?

How can she even see me? I can barely even see her.

What?! How can she see anything over that great big hedge and through the itty bitty window? Crazy old bat!

I hate public toilets! *shiver*

No...didn't really...I used a...PUBLIC...TOILET...GERMS!!

Yes, Dr. Nice to see you again, too.

Okay - this girl is gorgeous. I need to play it cool and tell her about myself.

Uh...I really like kissing? Oh, man, I'm such an idiot. So much for making her a part of my legacy.

I know! I know! C'mon...pick me!

Mysterious stranger: And then I suck their blood.
You...suck their blood?
Mysterious Stranger: Why, yes. How else is a vampire to feed?
Mental note - she is so not a part of this legacy.

Pyrus has kitty dreams of a house. I think I'm going to cry.

I hate Allyn. But this old lady is kinda cute. Hey, Crumplebabe! Call me!

I can't believe Allyn kicked my ass. I'm so embarrassed.

I'm so tired! I want a bed!!

I'm not home two minutes and Allyn starts in with her crap again.

Yeah? Well, back at ya, babe!

I hate that woman. She is not a part of this legacy.

This sucks more than I could possibly have imagined.

Allyn: You stink!
Marisa: No, you stink!
Me: Ladies, ladies. I think you
both stink. Why don't you go home and shower.

So concludes my first day in the human world. So far it sucks to the max. I wonder how much more I can take?